“...and more the fact that she’s resigning while many, many men have held onto positions of power for doing far worse.”
“...and more the fact that she’s resigning while many, many men have held onto positions of power for doing far worse.”
She screwed up by having a sexual relationship with a subordinate (that’s some #metoo level shit right there... so let’s not gloss over it... even though she is not a man).
I think that completely misses a segment of the population: women. Particularly religious women who would do this because ‘your lifestyle is sinful.’ I think your overly simplistic explanation is... overly simplistic.
They (and most media outlets) do this all the time when pushing an agenda. Here, they want FB and Zuckerberg to be painted as villainous. These photos are cherry-picked to support that objective.
In my state you can see tax records, voter registration and even voting records (just indicating the elections in which you voted, not actual ballots of course)!
“I believe that is the real reason physical media seems to be dying.”
Uh, you missed the point. Cher does NOT use the N-word. The OP knows this, hence:
Just because I would benefit from an action does NOT mean I should support it.
Probably. Unions were relevant and NEEDED for some time. That time has passed. Good riddance.
“The simple answer is power density and weight of batteries.”
I bought these about a month ago. They are great. Worth the money even without the discount. With the discount, it’s a no-brainer.
I bought these about a month ago. They are great. Worth the money even without the discount. With the discount, it’s…
One of the big fiascos OF THE YEAR
Battle? WTF? Are you serious. Good day.
It’s not written that well, but since you seem to be having problems: One of the YEAR or one of SMITH’S WHOLE CAREER.
“...one of the big cinematic fiascos...”
Plus, the CGI is just not yet to the point where the young version looks 100% real. I saw the trailer and can’t get past how fake the young version looks. That bugs me so bad that I won’t bother seeing the movie.
Completely agree. I’m not a ‘fan’ of Hillary (though I DID vote for her!). But you have to respect that she is honest and willing to approach the subject with an open mind. Isn’t THAT part of the ultimate goal? To get people who historically have not dealt with the topic to open their minds to it?
“We do $1 for every year old you are....”
An allowance teaches kids the value of their labor... then the value of the dollar. How to save, how to spend (how NOT to spend), how to work for and negotiate raises, etc.