
Somebody posted the same thing on the Switch subreddit. I agreed; I just never 'got' Sonic. The choices seem to be either to run mindlessly and enjoy little, or to haltingly jerk through the stage wondering where the fun is.

Did you post this on Reddit?

That's like calling the show "Super Sloppy Double Dare." I'm still just gonna call it Double Dare no matter how much extra whip cream you ad.

…what's to dislike about Summers here?

Maye they are volunteers. CLONES of volunteers. The originals lived out their normal lives… and that will be the big reveal when Burke finds videos or whatever of his original's past.

Such weird staging and editing. Comical, yes.

It's no more an obsession with plot holes than criticizing a singer who's frequently off key is an "obsession" with pitch. Both are inescapably distracting; an interruption to a fundamental aspect of the form.

Not interested in the adults, clearly. My working theory is that these "first generation" kids are hybrids (remember Pilcher's hybrid pines?): Humans meshed with abby DNA to ensure their survival in the transformed world. This explains why the mountian folk are unimportant in the future of humanity.

I came here specifically to see what people are saying about that. Why would Pilcher just discount the hundreds of mountain residents? They know the truth and it doesn't drive them to suicide and ruin. It's either a gapingly stupid plot hole, or it portends that even more nefarious things are afoot.

Article does not explain. Is this a playable hack or not? The video appears to use computer controlled racers with no actual multiplayer. If it does exist, I presume it runs on an emulator. But this article does not say.

Or her children.

Not that I disagree, but that's more philosophy than fact.

I would totally beleive that nudge was a 20s american slang term.

In Alan Rickman's percussive drawl: "It's not magic, Potter… It's an illusion."

Is the author conflating Muggle and Mudblood? Muggle was not an offensive term.

Your compassion for the crew is well-placed, but the situation doesn't have anything to do with the cast or other above-the-liners. It's not necessary to disparage the cast in order to esteem the crew.

Tell us more about your ambivalence to Star Wars.

Storytelling has always been about reworking the tales you heard in the past. Get your neck adjusted and join the 50,000-year-old human tradition.

It was practically a direct derivation of Twin Peaks (with a strong dash of Silence of the Lambs): Agent Cooper/Agent Mulder and his sidekick, Diane/Dana.

Yep there's something Mordred-like about Kylo Ren: The rebellious adolescent whose charisma and battle prowess help him usurp the order established by his now-aged father. (Unlike Mordred, though, I think Ren is probably just Luke's kid, not also Leia's.)