
You’re not wrong, but if I, for example, give a doctor a blood sample to run tests on, I expect him to run the tests and then dispose of the rest of the sample appropriately. If the tests don’t get run and the sample just sits there forever, I feel cheated, because we had an understanding about what we were doing and

I’m not in my field, but I just got my first real job with a desk and all after grad school/retail/teaching abroad, and every time I get a paycheck with that accruing sick leave and paid time off I just about shit myself.

Dollars to doughnuts she's selling the breastmilk DNA to China to use in making a mutant supersoldier monster.

They’re both annoying, but we both know there’s a qualitative and a quantitative difference of awfulness between fans trying to take control of fan-run and teen-friendly spaces, and fans injecting themselves into the real lives of people only tangentially related to the band, especially when their purpose is nakedly

They absolutely are, if their natural bent is to take special care with their appearance. In that case, they are extravagant, selfish, putting on airs, etc. There’s no point telling that sort of woman to put on makeup, but we can’t let the opportunity pass to shame a woman. That’s why you and I both know what it means

The Smithsonian gift shop complex had pretty good employee benefits when I worked there, including paid sick leave, health insurance, and even a 401(k) for people who had been there for 2 years, but that’s because it’s technically federal employment. And of course, over the 2.5 years I worked there, they started

If we’re playing fucked-up-retail-customer bingo, my favorite was the guy standing in a co-worker’s checkout line who called my name (which he got off my name card) as I walked past, and then he and his father kept insisting that he knew me “from that thing,” “you remember, that one time” (literally, these

There are a thousand different ways that the patriarchy teaches mothers to hate themselves, and the fact that you are only aware of one is, in fact, a sign that you are very lucky. It’s an unwinnable game whichever way you go - high-maintenance or low, helicopter mom or free-range-kid-raiser, there is literally not

To be fair, they have more access to congregate en masse in virtual spaces, and all congregations tend to be loud and annoying to outsiders who happen to be in proximity. That’s just a reality of our time that’s different than it was in the late 90’s.

Tika Sumpter is gorgeous as all get out, but one of my favorite things about Michelle is that she’s not only tall, she’s very nearly as tall as her husband. They couldn’t have framed the shot to reflect this?

So, what, you think the father was selling loosies on the street while the mother traded stocks on Wall Street? They are a poor black family from Staten Island, whose economic class has been roundly discussed in every newspaper in America for nearly the last year.

It’s a grey area. Money paid for pain and suffering is generally not taxed, but whether this out-of-court settlement falls under that umbrella is unclear to me in my research. And of course I don't know what kind of fees they're paying their lawyer - I wouldn't be totally surprised if he agreed to work pro-bono,

"Resilience" is very much the leftist "bootstraps."

And I hope every single person so inconvenienced includes in their suit a plea for emotional damages remuneration to the tune of every fucking penny they can wring out.

I just hope they’ve secured excellent financial counsel. As long as they can trust someone to keep their money safe, the adults in the family can concentrate on helping the kids work through their feelings and make the best of their new opportunities.

If only the people who actually did the acts were the ones who paid - if I was an NYC taxpayer, I’d be pretty angry that I'm paying off the widow and children of a man so that the cop who killed him could sit at a desk all day.

I can’t imagine what a discordant day this is for that family. On the one hand, no family member is ever going to have to make money by selling loosies or working menial labor ever again. On the other hand, their loved one gave his life to give the rest of them that privilege. My mind reels just trying to imagine what

I am intensely interested to hear every bit of insider knowledge you have on this situation, as well as how you got involved in working on it.

Sonic is a weird thing for me, because when I was in college there were none close to us, but we were within their TV advertising range of them. So imagine a bunch of drunk hungry college students staring at the TV ads with the unlikely-colored array of vegetables and the perfect-looking burgers and fries.... Sonic is

Every time I have a Jumbo Slice my memory, as an act of self-preservation, returns me to when I lived in Prague and the go-to after a night of drinking was a kebab with burn-your-tongue-off chili sauce that would even have been delicious if I was sober. It's the only way to get through the experience.