
It’s a hell of a lot easier to spin off into a fantasy world where you can Choose Your Own Delusional Adventure than it is to actually grapple with the unpleasantness of reality and work to change it. I think of it as the difference between the sandwich-boarded fringe lunatic screaming about how gay sex causes

This is why my parents divorced - She wanted kids, he didn’t, and they literally never brought it up until a few months into being married. In the end, they both got what they wanted (I was adopted from another family member after an emergency), but I think even in the late 70’s it was really really weird that they

That's not at ALL what black Irish means.

There isn't enough money if you used every cent available in every economy of the world.

And you could’ve gotten the fuck over it in less than half the time it took to be judgy at a stranger on the internet, but I guess we don’t get to choose what other people get to do with their time.

It’s fairly common if you’re somewhere hot & humid, or if you get it on a part of your body that tends to hold moisture. A friend of mine got strep all over her face in India.

I have a friend in London who works at a Medieval banquet - basically like Medieval times in the States, but minus the horses and plus some song and dance numbers. Group seating at long tables. It’s fairly inexpensive, and all-you-can-eat-and-drink, and while the food isn’t like, 5 star, it’s decent, you know? Its a

I'm a recent cat convert, too! I think it's really about getting over the stereotypes about cats and finding one whose personality meshes well with yours. I often say that when I adopted my cat they gave me a teddy bear instead - she's ALWAYS with me, to the point where she sleeps on my chest while I'm lying in bed.

There was a cat that hung around my house in Sudan that had the Hitler look even more than yours (I agree that with the eyebrow he actually looks more like Clark Gable) and whenever I remember it I kick myself that I never saw it when I had my cell phone camera available.

Iiiii was going to say Hitler, but yours is less potentially offensive.

I don’t even know if I count as a cat lady, because on the one hand I am head over heels obsessed with my (single) cat, but on the other I don’t feel any differently about OTHER cats than I did before I had one of my own (vague interest and affection, but nothing more.) This contrasts heavily with how I feel about

Haha, someone on another article about this today was demanding that an OP “define harassment.” It’s like, hello, you don’t know what basic words mean but you want to participate in the discussion? If you’re not willing to engage with X material, then don’t engage the material, don’t signal your unwillingness to

I had an English teacher once who used to say "the guilty dog barks first." I tip my hat to him for giving me the perfect saying to encompass this situation.

I don't know, why does "I don't have a virus and don't want to" equate to ignorance and/or stigmatization of the people who do? Chances are I DO have the virus and don't know it because I'm asymptomatic, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be okay with taking the chance of getting it and having symptoms.

This is the kind of thing that looks true if you don’t actually examine it, but um. Isn’t. If it WAS true, oral herpes would be incredibly rare, since most people are smart enough not to get intimate with visibly diseased body parts. In reality, asymptomatic people absolutely can spread the virus, as evidenced by it

The feeling when this happens is a nice mélange of "I'm so happy to be able to help!" and like, yes, I am in fact superior.

It’s alright, dear, I may not be wealthy, but I am rich in other nonmaterial things, like experience, friends, and the ability to shut my motherfucking mouth.

I think we've found Donald Trump's Kinja name, everybody.

When I moved into an apartment with shorties in college, and realized I could hide all the treats I didn’t want anyone else to eat on top of the fridge because they weren’t even aware that that was a location, that was the day I really began to appreciate my tallness.

Thanks, DM me and I’ll give you my address so you can forward the extra $1,000 for each way every time I fly.