
Aww. Are you still mad that Taylor Swift wrote that short skirts/t-shirt song that one time, too?

You seem to be forgetting or ignorant of the hurt and anger she caused in the community she stole from - you know, the specific people whose opinions on the subject matter.

One day, I'll learn that behind every "thanks for your thoughtful reply" lives a "I've already made up my mind and I'll turn into a condescending fuck as soon as it becomes clear that I've lost control of the dialogue."

Well, you didn't face rape, murder, disease, homelessness, and poverty like the people who invented Vogue did, and you didn't get to experience that while Madonna made fat stacks off your culture, so I suppose it's a little much to ask you to give a damn

The point is, it wasn't her experience. Or, it was her experience for 2.5 seconds, to be forgotten as soon as the money had been made. It wasn't even educational in the way Paris is Burning was - people could look at that and see part of another culture. People who watch Madonna's Vogue may well think that it's hers

I think the problem isn't that cultural appropriation isn't serious, but that it's next-level feminism, and people who don't necessarily know what it's about throw the term around because they want to get their social justice credentials.

The biggest worry is hoping they're mentally fit and feisty enough to push back against all the outstretched hands that are going to be pointing their way now. There's no reason to believe they aren't, but there's also a reason why scammers tend to target the elderly.

Okay, anecdotes are not data. I'm glad you know a million abandoned animals who were lucky to be picked up by their very most perfect owner. Most people who find an abandoned dog, IF it's healthy, are still going to take it to the shelter. I'm an experienced dog owner, and if I found a dog right now, I'd be forced to

Depends on if you brand them with a bunny logo.

If you think it's better for a dog to roll the dice getting maimed, starved, frozen or tortured, then fine. I'm not going to convince you otherwise. I tend to be on the "short and painless versus drawn out and agonizing" side of things, especially when making choices for an animal that can't understand its new

I wonder if eating insects could ever really be like eating crustaceans (like, can you make the "meat" firm? Because eating a cricket or whatever seems like it would be more liquidy. Can it be a table-to-mouth butter transport system?) Because if it could be, I would be dining on the finest cockroaches, day in, day

I love all the things that come from the sea (I love them with my mouth) but if I had to choose a crustacean, I'd choose crab, then shrimp, then lobster. If we're adding in bivalves, mussels would come after shrimp and before lobster.

You need to see a doctor, friend.

Can we nix "swap spit" as the go-to kissing euphemism? Because I hate spit. By far my least-favorite of all the bodily fluids (yes, including bile). Kissing is awesome, but the only way I can participate is to forget through strength of will and sometimes alcohol that spit is involved at all.

I'll be the hippo any time a non-Jezebel Gawker entity posts content about Muslims, and I have a stroke and accidentally scroll down to where I can see the comments.

I will be that hippo as long as Max Read keeps trying to sell me on the Gawker site redesign by telling me to radically change the way I use the site, because it's reasonable for us to change to accommodate our products.

Never skip the escargots! Also the butter in the moules would make things exponentially better OR worse, it's a craps shoot.

Unless they can prove that he was literally passed out unconscious at the time of the attack, (in which case he couldn't be texting) I don't know how reasonable the defense is. For one thing, men struggle to "get it up" at differing levels of intoxication. They'd have to test him to get a baseline. For another, he

That is why it is number 1). I forgot to include a key in my presentation, but the numbers are in order from least to most implausible.

Let the record show that my text messages are perfectly spelled and punctuated when I am still actually asleep & I'm just trying to get the asshole who texted me at 3.52 AM to get off my back and go away.