
You have an interesting definition of "recently," and also "definition." The understanding of decimate to mean 'destroy a large proportion of' came to prominence in the 19th century. All the modern dictionaries that I've ever read preface the 1/10th definition with the 'obsolete' demarcation, and have the colloquial

You're not even giving him his (probably) dominant hand in this curse? Oh, you're cruel, cruel...

I heard Dita left him more for the drugs than the infidelities - perhaps that has something to do with the decline.

I agree. I find his music and a lot of his persona schtick distasteful, but I thought he was really thoughtful in his interview for Bowling for Columbine and a few others I've seen. I've never heard an anecdote by a fan who met him where he wasn't really kind to them (they may exist, I've just never heard him. I guess

I have definitely had chats that were not appropriate for kids to hear well within hearing of kids who shouldn't have been where they were. I don't curse or talk loudly about weird stuff on, like, the subway platform or other spaces we all have to share, but if your little one is at a boozy brunch and hears my best

I am with you for all of these except the last one. At one wedding I went to, a crazy uncle asked at the rehearsal the day before if it would be okay if he sang an "Inca blessing" at the wedding. The bride allowed it. It was so, so beautiful and so, so weird. Just the groom's crazy traveling pot-smoking uncle singing

I have this same sense of wonderment when people have a long-term tantruming child in a restaurant. I don't have kids, but my own mom took me out of restaurants when I misbehaved. I was allowed back in when I was back to normal. She still brings up the missed/cold dinners as a gentle joke, but that's just part of what

The should-have-known is this: You should have known that you don't talk badly to people on the internet without really good provocation, because you don't know them and it's just generally a jerk move.

That struck me less, because I believe they were at his parents' home. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't go through my parent's cupboards and food stores without asking first. We also don't know the tone in which the request was made: was it rude, like a PS2 user demanding that a girl gamer "make him a sandwich"

I also think these are the people who don't understand that people struggle and need help. They survived their struggles without help, so why don't you! (Or, my favorite, I received substantially the same help as you, but I am going to judge you meanly anyway).

I'm going to write a Fallout Boy-inspired song entitled "It's not my job to explain every element of my life on the internet in order to be treated with a little bit of understanding, even though I understand the internet is a judgment-hole filled with people more than happy to be offended by everything, who claim to

The solution is for everybody to be named a randomized 10-digit number that is generated by a centralized organization & never reused. That is the only way to be sure your name is truly unique.

I agree, obviously in real life I both understand why you wouldn't starve your antisocial cat to death, the same way I understand why you wouldn't cut off an emotionally or psychologically disturbed family member. In reality I'm just sad for the father.

And you're a putz who also has the distinction of assuming no one has an abusive parent. Being almost-30 doesn't mean it stops, it just means it's less physical. And it also doesn't mean you automatically forgive. Maybe you should just look at what people write with a little more compassion, hm?

I won't be impressed or interested until you slaughter your high horse for food.

Don't worry about it, my ability to give a shit about morons on the internet who know nothing but want to comment on my character is permanently broken.

I generally don't find human smells to be all that unappetizing. I mean, some people are unlucky and have "bad" sweat, but I find most people have sweat that you can smell and it just doesn't matter. I lived in Sudan for a while, and it was the first time in my life that I actually smelled the odor of multiple people

I was staggered enough by the size of his allowance, but the fact that he was receiving this allowance while "estranged" from his family? Mindblowing. He wasn't even talking to his father and he was still getting his apartment paid for?

Also the one time I was around a number of Amish guys, I found them startlingly attractive, scraggly beards or no. After thinking it over, I tracked the reason down to 1) being in college, where you can't rule out the scraggly-bearded because that's everyone, and 2) their clothes. Those handmade, made-to-measure

Also while we're picking nits and having our hairs divided, it's a "sight" to behold, not site.