Oh god that last moment... EEK
Oh god that last moment... EEK
Kate Winslet is insufferable and Titanic was a shitty movie and so was Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind.
I just reaaaaally dislike Kim Gordon. I tried reading her book but she seemed like a TERRRRRIBLE person so half way through (seriously, I never stop reading a book, I follow the sinking ship) and I had to stop because I disliked her so goddamn much.
Have a chat with him about how porn is not reality, and that those actresses are faking it, and the ex girlfriends who came when he ordered them too were probably faking it too. You can also tell him how much you enjoy sex and that the pressure to cum makes it tough for you to do it. You’d think men would get the…
If I’m EVER in the tabloids I want the caption of my photo to be “does drugs for breakfast”
Right?! Scott very much looks like a man who does drugs for breakfast in that photo.
In the meantime, [Mila]’s hiring a “granny nanny” to watch Wyatt
same, scott.
Very true. I can date a guy on the shorter side (no one is realy shorter than me since I’m only 5’2) if they aren’t tiny all around. I like a guy who feels like a guy to me. I once dated a guy who was 6’8, it was pretty hot, he could pick me up like i was a doll.
Sure, then when they arrive at their next relationship and take that out on a whole new woman who didn’t find them unattractive at all, they perpetuate their own disappointment. Rejection is hard for everyone but bitterness is universally unattractive.
Now I’m imagining a British constable finger puppet with an animated series:
The boy’s twin was nowhere to be found and he was clutching a copy of Architectural Digest.
I thought this was a Burning Man story for a minute.
Okay I work in stores for a company that does high pressure static testing on subsea valves - a lot of the pressure line fittings we use are very similar, if not identical to some of the stuff used in aircraft. A lot of these fittings are issued with, or given a unique serial number either by the manufacturer or by…
You have to make a lot of assumptions about his behavior to jump to those conclusions. You don’t know that he’s having unsafe sex. You don’t know that their finances are at risk.
Im 100% serious when I say this, Paul could get this (RIP lover), at any age. Get this!
Remember too, that muu muu is at no risk to you. It’s their risk. You're covered either way!
”I feel like that is the untold story of this data leak—how many people just aren’t getting a sexual connection they want. And rather than talk about how people could solve this problem, everyone is just moralizing.”
When you’ve gone 9 months and she isn’t interested in sex and no romancing gets her in the mood and you’ve had this conversation 20 times only to never come to a satisfactory resolution? It’s pretty hard.
right? that just looks weird. i always thought there was supposed to be a y on the end. vacay.