Can I watch Peacock on a Trivection oven?
Can I watch Peacock on a Trivection oven?
Proud as a Pea-COCK, baby!
I say no more Christmas as a “central” holiday. Celebrate Jesus’ birthday on December 25th if you like, because that’s what Christmas is.
A lot of these symbols are from the Pagan ancients! This is not to deny you your feelings. You should still dislike Xmas, but it’s sad for me that many of my secular friends don’t enjoy it all. For me as a child it was about magic (I won’t bore you here, my comment in this post explains it). I like the controversy of…
Omg imagine all the diseases you would catch from your phone if this was real
The median income in America is $50K. He makes almost double that at 23. This is cannot be understated.
You really are an awful troll and an unbelievable piece of garbage. The guy is clearly trying to figure things out, and obviously has some wrong presuppositions, but is open and trying. For that you’re dragging him.
I don’t know if it’s jealousy that this guy is more successful at 23 than you currently are or some…
You need to cut back on the social justice Kool-Aid a little bit. I read his letter over, and what you saw as “How do I parlay my wealth to women?” I saw as “I’m proving a stereotype wrong.” He’s clearly uncomfortable with the wealth he has. He knows he can use that to put himself in a situation that’s abusive in a…
But... he’s trying to change and be better? He literally wrote to an advice column for that reason, and you’re shitting on him because he sought help in a semi-public forum?
If nothing else, at least this guy has the balls to admit that he’s clueless and ask for help. He freely admits that he got lucky and is making, fresh out of college, more than double what entire families in his hometown make; he has every right to be confused after a major social shift like that.
Actually, he’s not kidding. Hence the email to Dr. Nerdlove. Give the 23-year old virgin who grew up in a working class (maybe even poor) household and who has undeveloped social skills a break. He’s gotta start somewhere and at least he recognizes many of his own shortcomings. More than I can say for a lot of the…
Modern society places ridiculously high meaning on the act of dating itself; it’s not about being with someone you like, it’s about just not being alone. I know a bunch of people who look down on me for being single while themselves being in worthless or toxic relationships just because peer pressure makes it so that…
Lack of standards (which you said more politely). I know a woman who’s always in bad relationships because she’s so desperate to always be in a relationship that I’m fairly seriously sure she’d even move in with Donald Trump. She’s got a crippling fear that if she’s not in a relationship then she’s a loser (and being…
Ick. Can I make a request?
This is a visibly overweight woman holding up teeny tiny clothing to her body. It’s like a holding a chihuahua up to a great dane and being like “it looks small!!” This experiment may have been more meaningful had an average sized woman taken her place.
Yeah, why must we dare to exist! We should all just hide in our houses, cursing our body types and trying to gain weight so we can look like your definition of normal.
I think this would be even more powerful if it featured a wider range of body types, including some that look traditionally fit or slender but still would never fit in a sample size in a million years. It’s not just the so-called plus-size women who can’t wear them. It’s the vast majority of women. That’s why it’s so…
I don’t know. Some details are lacking, but my interpretation is that the flaky type seems to be just a subset of women he got in touch with through online dating and not the majority and he was more wondering about what leads those specific women flake out. To me it seems more like anxiety issues on the other side…