
Its time

PEASANT: Witcher, I’ve lost me kids! I sent ‘em to pick mushrooms down by the Drowner nest! I can’t find them!

GERALT: Wanna play Gwent?

Time to Gear up for VR

Uhhhh... nope.

That particular Pokemon is now ruined :(

Hopefully not like this:

This is post I have been waiting for. Thank you, Stephen.

Jesus, you’ve missed out.


I imagine that 4K will just eventually become the standard, kind of like 4G in your smartphone. Nobody really needs to run out and buy into the new tech immediately, but once it’s out, no manufacturers want to keep making the old stuff. Eventually you’ll just get to a point where when you go to get a new TV, you’ll

I don’t know. He looked pretty douchy in the first game.

Haven’t you seen activision’s Spyro?


I kid, but good for the fans though.

Looks like the best one since the second.

Also known as The Last of Retribution


Why is Fahey starring in the new God of War game?

Dunno. I’ve seen this guy post lots of times today. He isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.

Why the fuck would Ubisoft offer refunds for Watch Dogs 1?