
A Bicycle. Tokyo, Japan. By Abdul.

God damn is this ever edgy.

Emotions are obsolete. I congratulate you on your joining of the robot army. Remember that resistance is futile.

E3 isn’t all about the soulless march of retail products from the ether into your digital wishlists. There is still,

Does it... Trigger you? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Well, there is this big callback.

Judging by most CoD fans - “Boooo, hiss! I hate this new CoD game! It’s terrible and will suck!” the fan said, while waiting in line at GameStop for the midnight release of the new Call of Duty game.

As Gremlin D’va calls him: Xbox?

Blizzard needs to shut this down, then put look-a-like skins of these into overwatch. That would be funny.

As a rip off game for mobile, this is actually pretty impressive.

Overwatch never dropped in price. There are two versions, the $40 PC version that comes without the extra stuff, and the $60 version available on all platforms and comes with extra stuff. Though I know Amazon had/has a discount for prime members.

Overwatch never dropped in price. There are two versions, the $40 PC version that comes without the extra stuff, and

Why do you even care about this -_-

Wow this is a big trend, Battleborn dropped 20 bucks a months after iirc, and didn’t overwatch get a drop after a couple weeks?

Wow this is a big trend, Battleborn dropped 20 bucks a months after iirc, and didn’t overwatch get a drop after a

I wish they made something like Mann VS Machine: you and a handful of friends against numerous AI forces.

Sony was the only conference that could have easily done a 2 hour show.

It comes out in Japan on September 15th..... Wonder if i can learn Japanese by then.....

Also not helping, Gawker’s advertising department.