not on PC, on *Windows 10*
not on PC, on *Windows 10*
Anybody have a still of that high five almost-denial?
“That thing is lit!”
Snoop plays a great meat shield. He loves to take hits.
You have to replace those every few years, the padding and the support straps and the airbag and the infared headlights don’t have infinite lifespan.
On the one hand, $250 is a lot for a video game, but on the other hand, I am in the market for a new sex helmet...
Snoop looked like the only one who was genuinly interested in playing BF1. The rest is really just there for the money.
Terry Crews seems like the only one there who actually plays games. Dude was so excited to wreck some console peasants.
I bet the two of them had a great conversation.
Cannot. Unsee.
There is a Groot face in the rock face.
Him and Nolan North
It’s drugs! At least that’s how they explained fighters battling out of their league in the first game. Pills infused with Kryptonia science goodness that temporarily enhance the power of normal humans.