
VOTE: KeePass - I use in addition to LastPass. Keepass is my master password file while LastPass contains a subset for daily use. One of the features includes attaching files to the password entry... great for those QR codes for two-factor authentication.

I'd suggest DVR-ing it so you can skip past the Discovery Channel patented return from commercial, spend 8 minutes recapping the last segment, show 2 minutes of new footage, cut to commercial, repeat for 1 hour show formatting.

At some point consumers are going to have to demand the separation of tech hardware and media sales. It's fucking ridiculous that I can purchase a song on iTunes or a TV series on Amazon and yet they still have the nerve to refuse to support competitors' hardware. I paid for the goddam media, let me watch it whatever

Yea that's exactly why I haven't gotten one yet. My thermostat sits in a hallway that I don't go down often. I could even go days without going down there at all.

Looks like their server wasn't ready for the LifeHacker invasion.

Bear in mind, however, this last method is only useful as long as the GuerrillaMail Tools remain online, and the website in question never changes its name.

What i really want from Runkeeper is a way to build my own personal training plan.

Alternatively, live a better life by actually living it, not obsessessively analyzing and agonizing over it.

Really? I shouldn't run an outbound firewall because:

"addicted to sugar"

Sigh. It'd be nice to read a single fitness article without the first comment being someone who's paleo-obsessed calling me broken for eating pasta.

I'm actually starting to get really disappointed with all the love that Mint receives without any mention whatsoever of the vast shortfalls. Don't get my wrong, Mint is a very large step forward in terms of highly accessible personal finance, but it seems to me that they are far more interested in getting me to