
So...is dark matter "dark" because it's just a bunch of rocks with no star to light them up, or is it "dark" because it's literally invisible?

@Darren Boudreau: Having an aging population is only a serious economic issue because we haven't adapted to it yet. A century really isn't as long a period of time as people like to pretend it is. As far as real cultural movement goes, it's chump change.

@ladypeyton: You would if they were biologically accurate and shot from his nipples.

Very intersting. The art style reminds me of "A Lesson Is Learned" but composed in a standard way - with the carved out highlights and the heavy use of two-tone color.

@sephycloneno15: yeah, and considering it takes like 20 minutes to get to Tatooine from Coruscant, you'd think someone in the Core area would've popped over there by now and mapped it. In the star wars universe, that sounds like something you could finish over a weekend.

Well, I'll watch anything Gondry makes, so I didn't need the vote of confidence...but I'm glad it doesn't suck

@mythbri: very close. The problem is that they're tiny lightsabers.

I was *wondering* when someone was going to make a novelization of Julie Taymor's movie!

@AlfLup: In this case though, considering the power structure, we'll be declaring "Soylent green is babies!" instead

The promos all looked like crap. And it sounds like that's what it's going to deliver. Although it sounds like it wasn't a horrific trainwreck at least, so...good for them on that.

The Spongebob voice actor doing Transformers, hm? Well considering how good he is at doing intentionally annoying voices, this has me *more* concerned.

Our money is on a gritty origins tale.

@Desmorage: gelatin and its many awesome culinary uses is not the same as Jell-O, which is typically just corn syrupy, koolaid-esque blah.

@ScorpSt: gels are materials that are very slowly making molecular transitions from one of those states to the other (most is solid, so most is headed toward liquid). I think the breakthrough here is that this stuff isn't doing that. Hence the "equilibrium" part of "equilibrium gel"

@Ajh: Except it's not a liquid, it's clay. Which I guess is solid, but definitely not a gel.