
@mikeyhope1: We've already got a perfect scapegoat: Halley Bin Laden! The sneakiest, most evil comet of them all!

@The Ultimate Tea Cup: Well, there's the flip side: if you build something that's not only self-sustaining independent of Earth, but independent of the Sun as well, then why bother staying?

@Neal Jansons: That sounds so easy! ...except that the amount of energy it takes to sustain 1g of acceleration for half the trip, then 1g of deceleration for the other half (which means your travel time is doubled by the way), is astronomically, obnoxiously large. More than I think we actually have on the entire

@corpore-metal: Just adjust your ideals to the math, and everything works out! :D

@DrEmilioLizardo: Well, that's Game Theory for you. Everything must be simple.

@storymark: Exactly. Even if Avatar had had a story where nothing happens (and it impressed me that anything whatsoever happened at all), it still would have been a big deal because of the technological achievement. While Tron Legacy is just a sequel, Avatar is the next Tron (which in turn was the next Clash of the

@glucious: Y'know, Lawnmower Man's story would've actually been relevant. Why doesn't someone remake that?

@Charlie Jane Anders: You know, studios seem to have this idea that any idiot can make an action movie if you just throw enough money at it. And that's just plain not true. There's a certain editorial eye that the action director needs to have about composition and timing in order to make something that's supposed

To be fair, the first Tron was impressive technologically, but an absolute bag of shit narratively. So if this film is bad, then really, it's only because the got the first part wrong.

@Link2187: Wait a second, doesn't her ability to become angry without fear completely invalidate Yoda's theory in the first place?

I guess until this gets sent over to the US, I'll have to sit here having a tea time of the soul. Probably dark. Probably long. Not necessarily in that order.

@Eltigro: He actually looks the right weight to me, just too tall. I always pictured him as being a bit short.

@Beld: according to the appendix in the second paper, as a basis for identifying replies on these sites, the machine learning program used a set of 100,000 blogs which had been defined as "positive" or "negative" by humans using criteria that the papers don't go into.

@Beld: I think it needs to be pointed out that the replies to your negative post are well above average for this article ;D

@Reginald Atkins: Same here. I can't help but wonder how much context plays into this. Even though I've never seen the Ebbinghaus illusion, and even though it clearly appeared to show two differently sized center circles, I could easily tell they were the same size because of the visual context of the image. The

@dry-roasted-peanuts: yeah, it's nice to finally have a clear word on that. The film didn't exactly make it obvious one way or the other

@Xstrikr: It can't be a Rob Liefeld discussion without this image :)