
Keep in mind an auction house would take a larger cut than a Realtor. The only person who it would've made sense to auction it was FOX, and I have no clue why they didn't. Total lost opportunity.

He hardly has knowledge of every Simpson's episode. I mean, he *might*, but he's very hands-off with the series. You'd get better input from one of the american animation studios that regularly do episodes, but even then I doubt they've done enough (at the time) to give you an exhaustive understanding of the layout.

Someone who's smart enough to realize the house is worth more than the cash prize?

A tachyon would need to have negative mass, wouldn't it? A sub-sub atomic particle, like you're suggesting, would only have fractional mass. It wouldn't even be zero - which is where it needs to be to hit the speed of light.

FYI: 400 meters is approximately a quarter mile. Personally, I can't comprehend scale without converting to the Imperial system first.

Mark Ruffalo sounds like he's never seen a computer before. I now fully expect the Hulk to be acting like a confused kitten, surprised and excited by any mundane object he passes by. OH A BOULDER WHAT DOES THIS DO?!

I think Snowcrash's Smartwheels were a more sound idea. Retractable arms acting like segments of the tire, able to instantly react to road hazards before you see them.

I vaguely remember a storyline in Ultimate Spider-Man where some lunatic goes around being an asshole version of Spidey. Don't remember much about it, but maybe they're trying that? In which case, it hues closer to the events in Batman Returns.

hash browns, even! It was terrible! And delicious. Mostly delicious.

Not confused. He was played by none other than Billy Dee Williams at the dedication ceremony around the Gotham City christmas tree. I believe it's where what's-his-face is kidnapped by The Penguin. But I don't recall him being in the first.

I like the wider space for comments, but they feel "crushed" vertically. I'm not sure if that's just because the layout is unfamiliar, or if the dividing lines between comment threads needs to be widened.

Well you see, as the ducks became more screwy...

I like the wider space for comments, but they feel "crushed" vertically. I'm not sure if that's just because the layout is unfamiliar, or if the dividing lines between comment threads needs to be widened.

Yeah...but do you really want to trust an action movie director to coax a performance out of an unknown? Personally, when it comes to action movies, the more competent an actor is at directing himself the better.

"Of course, considering this is his final film, there wouldn't seem to be much point in bringing her in, only to avoid showing us Catwoman as well."

@Mark Trbojevic: what are you talking about? Google gives you a whole "found results for x instead of your y. search for y?" thing, which I'd much rather have, because sometimes I want to search for y.

@lankist: It can't help that Morrison has the online presence of the technologically illiterate.

@petronella: you could always just buy the poster, Mr. Magoo :p

@Adam Whitehead: Right. The fear of "time travel" through FTL travel is unfounded, because the observational effects are still causal.