
@Carlos Bravo: "General, I have a new proposal for a stealth bomber. It's perfect in every way, except it will have to flap its wings. Also, it needs to be covered entirely in giant, bright lights."

@Mary Ratliff: Granted, as a film, City of Ember had very little faith in itself. So I'm not surprised to hear that.

@hdgotham (Hannah Wilson): Yeah, what's up with people still parodying and referencing the lois lane character in movies still to this day? Can't we be done with that cliche yet? It hasn't been novel since the 40s.

@Jessy Jacobs: I can't stand any of their faces. But especially that one.

@GusF: 107?! Psh. You're such an underachiever

Hypothetically, I'd go with none of the above. But that's only because, hypothetically, we're really referring to fantasy logic here, where the emphasis is on the human condition rather than the mechanics and consequences of the question itself.

@Insomnia Bob: Exactly. You've gotta look at the post TF2 era the way the post-relativity era is looked at. Newton's laws weren't negated per se, by Einstein's discoveries, merely tweaked.

@Yengwa: The man wants to go diving in the Marianas Trench, and he just made the highest grossing movie of all time, second only to another movie he made. That's the only point that matters here.

@Lassus: on the other hand, it give the article a snazzy grey-green background.

@lazerus72: Well we don't know if it's going to be held up yet. It hasn't even gotten that far. :p

@spidyredneckjedi: I didn't really see the religious influence in the Shadow series until the final book, where things start getting preachy. But that's fine since everything pretty much wraps up plot-wise by the second-to-last. Honestly, aside from Ender's Game itself, I find the "Shadow" books to be the best part

I idea of having the Watchmen be relevant I was always for. That's the point of the Watchmen, that's why it was written in the way it was, and why it's so specifically dated. Watchmen is supposed to comment on the time period it exists in, and the artist makes a valid point that you could have easily made the time

@Jon: You could've just said "the Dreamworks Smirk". I think most of io9 would know what you were talking about :p

@b33g33: Well, they aren't "real" Polish posters, just imaginary ones made by the goons at Something Awful, probably in a Photoshop contest thread. But they are indeed awesome.

Good to see that this show's still got it.

@Greyhole: That was easier than I thought. Next time, I'll go for two lines of bait.

@Greyhole: You mean how he made Tolkien's work relevant to modern culture and re-legitimized the entire high fantasy genre in the eyes of millions? Yeah, that pisses me off too.