
Heh, nice punchline.

@justvisiting: Or stories about basically anything ever, really. Essentially, if you hate fanfiction, then you'd better stick to nonfiction works because otherwise you're screwed.

@Valrose: Yeah, once we start getting water from multiple locations in the solar system, competition in the bottled water market is going to get very interesting

Supernatural horror - especially the apocalyptic (or apocalyptically minded) kind - regularly relies on an alien source for its evil which reflects a locale or culture which the majority of the time-period finds most frightening. Now, it's hard to view this on a per-movie basis, outside the context of other films,

@dr_bambi: @Frank Mahnke: Not to mention how all of the "mindless" slashers are actually a reenforcement of traditional social morality, especially regarding sex, and follow a very rigid, complex, and exhaustive metaphorical structure to make their point.

@Mark 2000: You're probably right, but static images are sort of unfair. The second they move, you know instantly whether it's 3D or traditional. And the 3D version is consistently inferior. Especially with organic stuff and characters, where I'm not convinced you're even saving money, since it involves so much

Hmm...I think this is going to be a difficult sell, considering the first book is arguably the weakest. That's a rough first impression, especially considering the money invested in the films will be greater than that invested in the TV portions.

wait wait...the top image looks like cell-shaded CG, but the middle image looks like regular 2D art. Which is it?

@The Curse of Millhaven: "Here sonny, put on this Link costume. Good, good, now...come over here and touch my sword. Yes...lower, lower, very good."

Because his girlfriend's name was Marlo and her gender isn't directly identified until about a quarter of the way through or so, I totally thought Rat was gay for a while.

@Jared D Weiss: Yeah, get with the program guys, this is old! By like...8000 years!!

@CrustyCanuck: The tone and later storylines may have been different, but the first episode was copied almost scene-for-scene.

@bishop375001: Of course, then along came The Office. So maybe the analogy doesn't work that well.

@mrradon: Actually, one thing that has kept me from seeing the first one is all the press the translations got for being butchered. Like, there were two versions and one ended up being this terrible cliff notes translation of the film. I'm really hesitant to see it in that manner, and were I to go out and try

@AngryFork: Uhh...he directed Cloverfield dude. Like it or don't, but you can't deny that it was definitely an original film.

I've always wondered - how do astronomers know when they're looking at something that's elliptical and when they're looking at something that's an angled circle?

@QoB: specifically speaking, narativium is one of the imaginary elements within the lore of Diskworld itself that helps make the world run in the ridiculous, hero-friendly way it does.

@djangofan: moving space around a stationary body is physically possible. We just probably won't ever have the means to do it. Minor difference.