
@jesbelle: And now she's goin up against angry real estate tycoons! It really it just like how the writer of Little Orphan Annie would go on long, ranting Political tangents in his storylines

@I-Gemini-I: "Let Me In: Crossroads"! The comic prequel to the film that's a remake of the Swedish film that's an adaptation of a book! Have fun making sense of anything, ever.

I happy to see that the costume designers from "Batman and Robin" are still getting work.

@krypterband: True, but I guess I don't quite have as much faith in Marvel's ability to handle their own sandbox. I mean, I can see how you'd think that, because their movies have been successful so far. It just seems like a lot of that had to do with luck rather than an understanding of what makes a successful

@krypterband: Terrence Howard just wanted more money though. Norton was being an ass because he actually gave a crap about the movie. I'd take an asshole actor who gives a crap over a pleasant actor who doesn't give a crap any day of the week. And weekends, including Sundays and Holidays.

@a.seivewright: Maybe it just holds Jetfire's corpse so he can use it whenever he feels like it.

@pretsal: Yeah, I'm gonna be really curious about what will happen at Comic Con when all these guys get together and one of the audience members goes up to the mic and say, "So I can't help but notice that Edward Norton isn't here..."

@elSpanielo: "This time, the oil's using us for fuel"

@strideo: strideo, are you waiting at the door for the thing you just ordered?

@FrankenPC: Heh, yeah the catch with running experiments in selective attention is that the subject can't have any prior knowledge of what may or may not happen next. Or even a suspicion that something may happen next.

Peripherally, I recognized that a player had left, and was able to then deduce that she was probably replaced. But if you asked me to pick out in the end which player was the impostor, I wouldn't be able to do it.

@SupaChupacabra: Hell, remember the fuss they put up with just allowing Favreau to direct the Iron Man sequel? And they actually LIKED him!

Say what you will about The Incredible Hulk as a film, but Norton played a great Banner. And the damn character has changed actors enough. That needs to stop before it gets out of hand. At this rate, he's gonna turn into 90s Batman.

@The Curse of Millhaven: So you were fine with the hour or so spent on Banner reflecting about nothing in the middle of nowhere? Because yeah, that was absolutely awesome.

@disatess: Did we watch the same movie? Because they pretty much made the film for me.

@EdificeComplex: the novel is not only scary, but also incredibly depressing. Basically, nothing good happens, ever.

@Billy Miller: Yeah I've seen the original character designs of the priest, and whoever drew that guy was definitely hoping someone would put him in profile. There's just no other reason in the world to place the knobs of his knees where they were placed.