
@omgwtflolbbqbye: Well I'll tell you this much, whatever happens at Comic Con now is gonna be a big decider in the movie's fate.

@acrobaticrabbit: I think the size looks right, but it's way too clean looking for me. I expected something closer to grey or black, made of unpainted stone.

@t3knomanser: hahaha, this is the projection after pretending the relief well is complete success. Which means, even if everything goes according to plan, this is where the currently released oil will spread if it's not contained. And so far, no, it hasn't been contained.

@Dragoona: That's because they decided to stream their content rather than use a preloader like every other sane media website in the world. And they do this because they think it makes it impossible for people to rip the video.

@stereobot: *runs off to read new mind explodey things*

@Prolorn: "If Searle said more, I'm curious to know. "

@Daveinva: Granted, this is set during the cold war instead, but you're right there's not a lot of room to move in this genre anymore.

@Kickstand27: Psh, but that's just the Anthropic Principle. Mine's the Winner's Principle. :D

"The Lifecycle of Software Objects" - you know, the concept behind this is how I've always imagined AI would most realistically be created. The whole 'if a computer turned self-aware, it would be too late to pull the plug' just seemed like BS. We are the sum of our experiences, not the raw power of our brains. You

@spikespeigel: There is a related short story on the site which counts as a snow scene.

@Merricat: Especially cool - in Rice Boy, when he goes into the giant hidden library in that city that lay between sides (I forget its name), there's a statue of Koark in one of the isles.

So is the convenient side effect of this theory that it provides an explanation for dark matter, or are the low energy states they're talking about unable to create mass?

@Kickstand27: Wouldn't it be "we experience the universe because we're the atoms that won"?

@screemname: That's not fair, Southpark does everything pretty well.

@Szin: And it was like episode 3 or 4 where they were first introduced, too. That show wasted no time becoming ridiculous.

@astrogea: Well feelings of inequality would be one result of a relationship where both partners are dominantly minded. That's part of what I mean - people of either gender should look for partners who compliment them. Dominantly minded women especially have a tendency to go after dominant men, rather than finding

@sollipse: OR we were invaded by the superdemons, but at the moment they entered, there was a quantum split in the timeline where they failed to enter at all. That's the line we're on.

@ch3burashka: well, to bear our life, that is. Which is to say: to support any explorer who wishes to travel there and check it out.