
@Geneticus: If the copies are infinite, then the odds are zero. You can breathe a sigh of relief - there is in fact a version of you living an even more boring life than you are. :p

Considering how reasonable the comments section of every other science-related article is, I'm beginning to suspect that people who hate the idea of global warming do Google searches for articles like these just to troll them.

@Amuro: The birch pollen skyrocketed when humans entered a region, not when Sabertooths etc entered a region. Even if those animals were coming along for the ride, it was still because of us. That's the evidence. If later, evidence comes to light that sabertooths were actually the smart ones and we were just

@Dr Emilio Lizardo: That sounds like a perfectly lovely idea. And as long as no copies get in the hands of young lower-class girls with their minds bent on revolution, I see absolutely no way this harmless form of social indoctrination could backfire in our faces!

@junior ghoul: Our grandkids will be playing ten billion songs at once on their damn lousy "iQ"s when all we want is to get some rest. How can they put up with all that blasted noise?! And you can't tell them to get off the lawn like our parents, because they just blame it on the Uncertainty Principle now! Observe

@wayshafay: It doesn't just run faster, it's able to run many things faster at the same time. In a normal computer, no matter how fast and powerful it is, at any given moment-frozen-in-time, it is only doing one single calculation.

LOL! When he started explaining his idea, I immediately thought of Ghostbusters.

@Jesse Astle: Yeah, you know once Nolan decides he doesn't want to do any more films, the very next director to take over is going to give Batman a Robin. It's almost like it's doomed to happen.

@Grey-Matter: It's interesting, most of the time when people talk about gender equality, feminism, etc. it's done in the framework of conflict. That this is a struggle that needs to be actively and explicitly won. But the reality seems to be different - that gender equality is just rolling slowly in whether we want

@clytamnestra: True that currently, it's incredibly rare for a professional woman to marry someone working at a lower profession. But if the economic predictions made in this article come true, it may become a necessity. Economic preferences tend to fall by the wayside when scarcity is applied.


@Tim Geraghty: He could totally rock The Riddler, I think. I always felt that was one villain who could afford to be older. And Robin Williams is great at playing dark roles, so he'd fit well with Nolan's universe.

@Davina Spafford Stuart: Knowing how Hollywood works, they'll sit on it for another decade, then suddenly rush it out like it needs to be released tomorrow or the world will end.

@92BuickLeSabre: If it's the god of Astroglide he's good to go. Just don't pray to the god of jalapeños, among other things.

@astrogea: That sounds like...a horrible way to receive messages from God

I always assumed lightsabers were actually just fancy, impossibly compact cold plasma cutters. That makes more sense than things which emit some kind of magical solid-light laser.

@earthclanbootstrap: So would everyone involved with the production, apparently. Basically, he just refuses to do it.

For the Hobbit stuff - I'm pretty sure the Cinemablend guy was just saying the film was that much closer to getting A Brett Rattner as a director. In other words, some consistently mediocre director who is brought in to make it a boilerplate movie.

@chakrabs: Dude, like half the dads in america suck at holding on action, even when they try to. Just hold on the action!! It's not that hard! SO frustrating! That's why I never watch home movies, ever.

@Goatse Fan Fiction: Yeah, at the time. But four hours later, in the waiting room at the hospital... :D