You thought your Honda S2000 was cool? Well, it is, but let's go back in time a bit with Pontiac's digital dials. Michael Knight was certainly proud of GM.
Coolest? Maybe not. Cutest? Probably. Most hilarious? Definitely!
You know how car reviewers speak of certain cars that accelerate "like you were hit in the rear by a freight train"?
I see. Mine's old school (2006), the dials just go slightly dimmer, but there's still the needle and the numbers...
Why would they do that? In terms of the c'ship, how is that any different from a points leader who, say, blew his engine on lap one? Or was too sick/injured to take part in the race (a la Lauda, Schumacher, Loeb)?
Going under an overpass, I don't even notice the lights coming on
High score indeed.
Hey! That's the place my family stayed at when we were last there!
Anyway, do you know the name of the documentary? Was it a local one?
HAH. I drove it when I was 5.
The whole thing is so obviously fake. I mean, the Audi's got a functional handbrake!
Huh, so what exactly is it about Park that makes it insufficient to hold a car? Obviously it's not in any way the correct thing to do, but I've never considered that Park could be overriden so easily. I almost always set the handbrake if I have to leave the car, but I'm curious about this one.
Ah yes, Street view certainly did help. But for the car to land so perfectly in the middle of the fountain? That's gotta be really hard to achieve.
Perhaps we could get good ol' Torch to draw us up a diagram? Cos I still don't understand how that could've happened.
Well, it's not as if this sort of epic weirdness doesn't exist today...
True, but then it is also pretty much the protagonist of the series. With that in mind, i'd call it more of a tragic hero rather than an outright villain.