
It would be a mistake to think that this guys’ spouting of really fucking stupid opinions is necessarily going to be detrimental to his dating life. It’s pretty to think that this guy is now an un-fuckable pariah, but the fact is that he’s not a bad looking guy (conventionally speaking,) and odds are that the sort of

“clueless, hueless and now-swimming pool-less” and “Gentrifier from the block”....

I'm pretty sure that if the government figures out how to leverage vaccination for a couple months of free PornHub premium the vaccination rate should start getting turgid.

Cool, where else can we target lazy/reluctant men? They’re already doing bars

There’s really nothing else to say. This story speaks for itself.

Things I would not go to a strip club for:

“What are you?”

“Severely disappointed in you adding to the shaming of those who choose to decline.”

It makes total sense.

Nothing more manly than relying on the rest of the community to do the heavy lifting for you.

Republican men are gonna feel like real man when a male nurse such as myself is sticking a catheter up their urethra. Then wipe down every inch of them every day.

People need to remove their feelings from anything that isn’t personal to them alone.

It is annoying that the media is reporting this as “Senate acquits Trump”. The Senate didn’t acquit Trump. 43 Republicans acquitted Trump. Republicans Block Conviction of Trump should be the headline.

Does anyone think that lying and gaslighting come easy to good people? Kellyanne Conway was hired by Trump specifically because she is a toxic and abusive person. Those were her qualifications for her job in the Trump administration.

I mean, it could be both.

Okay, I’m fully convinced that Tilda Swindon is the best person to play Maxwell. She’s got the hair, the accent, the amazing acting talent, etc. I bet she’d be a better Maxwell than Maxwell.

So, Alan, it turns out that folks weren’t ostracizing you at all those Hamptons parties because you chose to be a mouthpiece for Trump during his impeachment. They were staying away from you because you’re skeevy AF.

Her death really has stuck with me.

It’s so fucking satisfying to hear her calling out the hypocrisy and non-evidential citing of wives and daughters in these kinds of statements. 

You can keep it