
not as good as the chances of him firing the FBI director if he opens a review of his wife’s clearance.

I really want to know if teens today are tripping. Like Acid or mescaline or shroom tripping. I am in my late 30-s and have two littles, so I have been waaaay out of the loop on teen things. I want to hear about teens today tripping damnit!!!

That’s it, time to go watch clueless.

I invented post-its.

YES! Similar story, my BF was around 13/14 and I was 11/12 (yep i started reeeeeel early) and he went down on me. Whoah. That is all.I.Wanted. every single moment of every single day. And we did. In fact his older sister caught us one time in the neighbors backyard. The funny thing was....we didn’t even know how to

You see, it is quite simple to know exactly what this President and our Government are doing. Just listen to what is said/tweeted by them, and the exact opposite is true. Viola` - a completely transparent government.

Jesus fucking christ. If I ran for president, my entire platform would be that the government better do a good damn job on health care reform because they will all be on it. Including me, as president.

My below question/comment is based on the assumption that Jackson was also blackout drunk (I think it was reported that he claimed whiskey dick and Olympia jumped on his face instead).

Is there ANYBODY that had consensual sex with Cosby?

If she “doesn’t love” politics....WHY THE FUCK PUTIN???

she TOTALLY swatted his tiny, sticky hand away. yesssssssssss!

By far, my most favorite thread of the day.

Warren 2020. Can’t wait to hear the interview on Friday.

If he “literally” gave her the finger, does she have it as proof of his alleged flicking?

This is so bad, i finally sent a tweet to DJT and potus calling him a fucking retard. A little bit of comfort comes from knowing this imbecile cannot string together an intelligible sentence, so maybe the Russians left without actually learning anything.

I find it concerning that the police were shooting at this guy with a busy road directly in the path of the bullets being fired. Could have hit someone driving by the scene.

Welp, Alex Trebec is approaching expiration. Maybe they can buy that too and put him on.

Fuck I fucking hate her and her fucking family.

Has Trump tweeted yet to take credit for the releases?

k-stew and stella? ahhhhhhh, to be a fly on the wall when shits going down in that house.