
I went over to BB to see how it is being reported and the message boards. A couple of things noticed:

The best kind of gays are the dead ones.

Isn’t the best kind of gays the dead kind?

Holy shit...the budget “deal” needs to be (carefully)praised by the media. Cheetolini wants and needs praise. Don’t call him a terrible negotiator, it’ll just make him fight harder to do stupid shit. Don’t say it is the same as an Obama budget, cause that fucker will do anything to not be like Obama. Say something

Since all he cares about are ratings, cable news channels should ‘make a deal’ with him. A big big beautiful deal. The best deal the world has ever seen. Tell him what the fuck he needs to do to get only the best, greatest coverage.

That what the ilk of Fox News (and BB and others) do. I think it is the only thing they are capable of. For example, I visited BB yesterday (wish I hadn’t) where most conversations went like this:

That’s what MoFo’s like him do. They can’t argue her points, she’s spot on.

All the people they “interviewed” are in their golden years. The very same people who would have gotten fucked by this stupid bill had it passed. Unless they are of trumps ilk..

This woman is my hero.

YES YES YES! we have organized volunteers to host informational meetings in our neighborhoods to try to get the word out about ossoff. He is our best chance of flipping it. I really like to believe that our district has come a looooooong way in terms of turning blue. BUT...there were more than a few Trump signs in

Please don’t call them dingdongs. That’s my daughter’s nickname and I feel like you are insulting my daughter!

I feel like I am living in an episode of 24. jesus Christ Jack Bauer, WHERE ARE YOU??

One thing i’ve reconciled about this president (just to make me feel better). He is in cahoots with Big Pharma. The number of people who are beginning to take or are needing to increase the amount of anti-depressants has got to be sky-rocketing. Our president is going to push all of us to the point of ‘turning

“Republican Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham wrote, “This executive order sends a signal, intended or not, that America does not want Muslims coming into our country. That is why we fear this executive order may do more to help terrorist recruitment than improve our security.”

Samantha Bee is the only reason I don’t cry myself to sleep at night.

What a lucky lady, I so want me some of that sarah paulson.

He won’t make it 4 years. Not because of impeachment, or assination, or whatever...because he will drop dead from all the middle fingers towards him. He ego cannot stand it. can you imagine the stress he feels because he is so obsessed with everything other than what he should be obsessed with (governing). Keep it up

I think the biggest, most profound statement we can make would be not to go to the inauguration. Not to turn on the TV, not to tweet about s - you know people will tune in hoping that there will be some kind of blunder happening. If you count all the people who want to be there, all the people who feel it is their

I didn’t know who Tomi Lahren was until this post. I looked her up and ...**yawn**... didn’t Megyn Kelly already play this schtick?

‘He’s resigning? Good, let him go, he was a terrible psychologist anyway. Hundreds of thousands of vets committed suicide after being under his care.’ -@therealDonaldTrump