Every time i hear the phrases “President-elect” and “Twitter war” in the same sentence, I literally have to swallow a mouth full of vomit that just came up. There isn’t enough Xanax in the world to make me feel better.
Every time i hear the phrases “President-elect” and “Twitter war” in the same sentence, I literally have to swallow a mouth full of vomit that just came up. There isn’t enough Xanax in the world to make me feel better.
all they will say is, “It would have been worse if Hillary was president.”
it’s pronounced, “ginah”
Oh Gawd...can you imagine him in a room with the like of David Cameron, Francoise Hollande, Angela Merkel, et al....actually can you imagine him AFTER being in a room with powerful, respected leaders? He wouldn’t have the balls to say/do anything while in their presence (kind of like how he choked with Mexico’s prez)…
My daughter is 7 years old. This shit is already so bad at her age. Parents please please PLEASE for gods sake, talk to your kids. Work you ass off to show them that they can come to you with ANYTHING. when they open up, don’t judge, don’t get angry, JUST FUCKIN LISTEN. Let them know how proud of them you are for…
Bravo, Ms. Mark-Viverito. Thank you for your endless (and usually thank-less) work.
Sometimes I head bang to rap and other times I feel like poppin-n-lockin to heavy metal.
sadly, so many will believe this.
I need to raise my daughter to just start throwing punches. Fuck this shit.
“I no can kissy your cheek? Letame kissy your boobie”
YES the media is biased. It wants RATINGS! and trump gives them so much shit to work with....of course they will continually cover him. he is an awful person doing awful (often hilariously sad) things. If Hillary were grabbing pussies and telling people to vote on Nov 28, the new would be covering her too. But no, she…
Not being able to ‘make deals’ makes her a bitch? Jeez Trump, you can’t even get your insults right. That would make her incompetent, not a bitch.
“Melania brushed it off as ‘boys talk,’ ”
“The Washington Post reports that it involves reforming the tax code to allow working parents to deduct childcare expenses...”
The email server ‘issue’ is such a non-issue now. It is a dead horse that has been beaten and beaten and beaten. But, I guess it is the only thing the GOP team has ...and those people....those people who say, when asked about why such hateful feeling for H, “the emails!” “Bengazi!” ...well, what about them exactly?…
Think Pence used campaign funds for Botox? Jeebus his face looks like it could pop at any moment!
“Maybe it’s the rape, or the violence, or how it’s really boring. Everyone seems to have an opinion about why Game of Thrones, once a mesmerizing fantasy land that darkly mirrored modern day dilemmas,”
The NFL has completely ruined football for me. Aside from the scandals and 4 hours games...this....this bullshit with CTE and other injuries. All they way down to the peewee level. These super-safe-high-tech uniforms and padding they develop allow the coaches to put extra pressure on players to make the big hit. Kids…
I really really really really really hope his victims got to witness his sobbing.