19th Burner Breakdown

I’d agree on this. I probably disagree with the man on every contentious political issue, but he respects the idea of a Supreme Court as lawyers learn about it in school. 

Probably one of a thousand bored lawyers responding on a pre-holiday lull, but...no, not directly. But I would imagine the lower-credential judges that longterm judges are currently seeing appointed to to the trial courts are giving concern about the quality of the decisions that are coming forward. 

I really enjoyed “Slow Getting Up” and this piece, although “enjoyed” seems a bit callous given the topic. 

I was late to work this morning because I just couldn’t get my body going and I was a miserable subpar soccer player and cross country runner that shouldn’t have even been at the d3 level. 

Speaking as someone from a miserable d3 experience...we weren’t even on scholarship or producing revenue and it was still expected we would take the simplest classes and schedule around practices. 


I hear it all the time from conservative elderly relatives that he wasn’t offered a contract because he demanded X, Y and Z.

I think Phil just has that round face and Doc Brown hair so that, even if he was a 0.0% body fat vegan marathon-running machine, he’d look like your pothead former roommate that lives in his parents’ basement at 40.

My wife works in a profession with a lot of old white men. They think she’s the cutest little slightly-ethnic thing until she corrects them, then they run to her boss and beg to not have to answer to the person (woman) who tells them to follow the rules. 

Just meat for the base about shrill mean women. 

I remember those commercials. And the inevitable attorney discipline case, which revealed he and his staff never actually tried cases. 

I went to one baseball practice with a yelling coach and quit. I had to promise my parents all sorts of extra chores and whatnot to be allowed to stop playing, because I needed a Life Lesson about Sticking With It. No one thought “hey, maybe the guy known to buy beer for and attend freshman parties and scream at

I felt like I actually saw tactics and building from the back. Either that or i’ve become delusional over the years and years of “we can run faster and longer” being a strategy.

I’ve always enjoyed watching, but this year I really got into it—it wasn’t just waiting for the US to tank, quietly weathering the fair weather fans, before the tourney began.

So tonight the women will play T&T in a qualifier and I fully expect (1) the drubbing the US delivers will be somehow linked to a US Soccer recovery, which is nonsense and (2) woso twitter will be aflame that the men’s game is discussed during a women’s match, even if it’s a relevant mention. 

Ms. Koba is twice as strong as I’ll ever be.

I have started always getting the good seats or suite tickets for games.

On one hand, the 70s were not the most progressive time, so I can sort of understand, but at the same time, he’s continued to be just as unenlightened and creepy to this day, so...

And then my FIL insists on going to the restaurant over and over and requesting that server and getting her gifts and now my MIL has a boyfriend and...wait, this isn’t therapy? 

As a lifelong Leafs fan, I want to disagree with a single offhand comment in an otherwise exemplary review. This is why we deserve to have never won in the expansion era.