Living in Bills territory but not being a fan, I do so enjoy the annual “fire everyone”/”we’re winning it all” roller coaster that relies on the first few games every season as broad sweeping data points.
Living in Bills territory but not being a fan, I do so enjoy the annual “fire everyone”/”we’re winning it all” roller coaster that relies on the first few games every season as broad sweeping data points.
I come to Deadspin either to post this or see this each week.
If my father was on the internet, I would think this was from him. To this day he has trouble eating chicken because he hated raising them so much.
I’m far from an expert, but the use of a singular “they” used to be more common. I can only speak for myself, but it feels more organic than a recently-postulated ze/zir sort of alternative.
I have family that work in mental health and, with the terrible things I have heard them say about their clients, I’m scared to go back as this is a small town and I know it would get around.
Well, my sort of exactly what you describe.
Was she a minor when she signed the NLI? Wouldn’t there be an argument that she couldn’t contract?
Many things strike me as sad about this, but the reliance on the illogic that the roadblock to universal health care is fat people...I mean, I guess I’m sort of a roadblock, but I try to keep to the edge of the sidewalk/street to prevent that because I know I’m hard to get around.
“Why aren’t you taking fish oil? I said fish oil for your triglycerides. You should try fish oil.”
I’m with you. And I hope I’m with you in line for pizza because my stomach is getting that pained feeling now.
When I went to the doc last time, I saw what the scale said and saw that the assistant wrote down something completely different, 25 lbs higher. I’ve been relatively consistent with weight since I got fat. Yet the doctor didn’t comment that I’d gained 25 lbs from the previous appointment, because he apparently didn’t…
My grandmother was a mental health disaster and my grandfather a largely checked out post-WW2 dad, both alcoholics, so I also try to cut my mom some slack. She’s a control freak because she needed to be to survive. My sister just seems to be the target of all mom’s issues—mom was a smart but fat girl from the wrong…
My MIL is a diet fanatic who swears by her supplements, diet and exercise and routinely points out my own failures in those areas.
Kudos to you.
I gained weight when I stopped playing sports, true, but I also gained weight because I stopped caring as life was a bleak mess. Yet every doctor has focused on “why don’t you find a rec league?” or “you should start running again.”
Sorry you’ve got that family dynamic.
Yes, but have you tried losing weight?
I loved that Highline piece and I’m glad you’re continuing the coverage.
I’ll be honest--I loved playing but anything more than logging in to hunt some Fallen and blow off heads is a stretch these days. I think I let it lie fallow too long as I don’t understand the mechanics now.
Having seen hockey players run, I’m not sold on this, but overall--every small market team ought to be thinking about what’s going to sell jerseys. Being entertaining is going to make them a lot more money than a boring 6-10.