19th Burner Breakdown

I remember buying the album in no small part because there was some line about homies in the trailer park. Being a kid from a trailer park, starved to belong to something, I was all in on that.

This will be my third year with the card and I’m still in the “waiting room” line in case an annual opens up as I type this.

Everything I see says it does include the protein? 

Cogent and valid and fact-based, so that trumps my cranky takes. 

I’m not sure if her value is high after her Manchester City stint. I think a lot of coaches see her downtown, while I admit marketing people would probably love to have her aboard. 

Pretty sure he sold them all for cans of beans at this point. 

My FIL is a flag humping Trumper who complains incessantly about the NFL, lazy black players, entitled black players, not enough gritty white players, etc. And he will never stop watching the NFL because it exists to give him something to complain about.

It’s not entirely surprising, as GOP astroturf “disabled rights” groups have long campaigned against roadless/wilderness areas. It’s just borrowing from another branch of the corporate tree. 

Not to keep commenting on the same post, but I will...

I agree.

I have family like this, who frequently talk about that terrifying time in the city when a homeless black guy asked them for money or a couple black guys were talking to each other outside the convenience store. 

I think the owners felt if they just tanked it long enough, someone would buy them out to move/save the team before it reached this point.

I did fantasy baseball for one season while doing football for a decade. I was already playing with people I knew were intense, from football, but combined with the daily grind of 549 regular season baseball games, I gave up somewhere midseason.

Fantasy football was ruining my enjoyment of football. Which the NFL also managed to do on their own a couple years later. But I was in such competitive leagues with people that fixated on it. Every conversation for the season turned into who could get which player off waivers and if Jabar Gaffney could get 40 yards

I used to be in a league like this--a bunch of underemployed lawyers with way too much free time is a bad bunch to introduce to any addictive behavior. 

I’ve dropped and I’ve enjoyed the freedom. I don’t do anything in particular with the time, but I also don’t obsess over third string tight ends or get in actual family-rending fights over waiver order. These were all things prior to my decision to be the dick that quits the season after winning it all. 

I’ve read “I’m not watching anymore” posts before, but Andrew moved me to a slow clap.

I wish there was an app for earnest amateur food reviewers. I’m not a foodie, so the sort of high end places that get most coverage are lost on me, but I also get really tired of sorting through the random one-star reviews because of a one-time event where a server was curt or the place was loud or the potato was cold

I have always hated that cloying fake song, and then I visit family in FL and the “entertainment” at the old folks town plays it “for our vets” every day. They all stand and salute. 

Thanks for the term correction. Vacation brain...