19th Burner Breakdown

As a man...yes. Yes, we do. 

It’s getting, Pinkham’s Law style, so I come here each column just to see people complain about the question and try to one-up each other about how not-real they feel it to be.

The list of people who are statistically more at risk than cops is huge, but it’s contrary to all the narratives. 

You know, I wish I had an answer, because I’ve traveled down that road with my own family and it’s never worked. 

Teaching Poli Sci at the freshman level a million years ago, I never met more insufferable kids than the ones that identified as “Libertarians.” They had no functional knowledge of the global economy or basic economics, but had plenty of supposed answers. 

I’m halfway between wanting to hire him and wanting him to mentor me in life. 

I live nowhere near this, but I will hire whatever Mr. Reggie franchise opens in my community. 

I often have to take certain elderly relatives to their Catholic church. That’s a fair summary of it. Some of it is the priest, who likes to pander with standard old people “kids these days...” stuff mixed in with legit insane screeds about the evil media persecuting the church. Mostly, though, it’s old people that

When I was lawyering, I routinely found my collection of assigned junkies and thieves to be more honest and reliable than Realtors(R) I dealt with on cases. 

Second from the left, furthest to the right. 

I had a thought the other day that Trump could just say Clinton was planning to have him killed, because “you know she killed before”, and start locking up any opposition and his base would be all over it.

I’d agree. My MIL is one of those Goldwater Republicans and I look at her, in her 70s, and just wonder what’s it’s been like to repress and oppress against her own self interest for decades. Then again, she still thinks she’s the smartest and prettiest woman in any room and the rest are just jealous strivers, so maybe

Our school district got a federal grant to provide free lunch to all elementary kids based on our poverty numbers. Certain parents either sent money or made lunches every day because they weren’t letting their kids participate in that Socialism. People who hate gubmint don’t think clearly. 

I do sort of like the couscous one and vote for keeping it, without context, at 22. 

FYI, USWNT soccer player Crystal Dunn is also featured as the first black member of that team to be in this issue.

I was in goal for one during my playing days and it’s quite possible I still haven’t moved off my line. Coach found a replacement after that. 

I don’t like it, but I can’t say it’s facially unfair. It’s tied to the rules of the game and prioritizes not getting carded, which is not unfair. If there were a team that was overcarded on reputation or undercarded (Neymar’s flops), I can see arguments. In this case, I can’t get too worked up.

All you need is to put that into an Ohio accent and complain about the weather in mid-rant and you’ve got my FIL. 

He should meet up with my uncle the contractor on SSI and they can work illegal unpermited jobs together while blaming the Messicans for stealing the good jobs. Of course, the last time he held a wage-paying job was in the early 70s when everyone else got drafted, but Messicans. 

I’ve wondered about that one myself. It’s probably something like “East BFE Village Zoning Board says electronic steam horn american flag neon sign outside mosque violates code” and here we are.