19th Burner Breakdown

Youngblood. And a whole stream of middling-to-bad Canadian hockey movies, all seemingly starring Yannick Bisson. This was my childhood. You kids were lucky to get films with budgets.

Cake eater.

That’s exactly what they think. Because that’s what a large swath of them are doing, or dreaming they could do and live like a king on their $800/month SSI. Even in your earlier example, where people consulted lawyers and it couldn’t/didn’t go further...they’ve done something, but they didn’t magically become employed

I’d like to apologize for responding and unknowingly ungreying this one.

I’m not going to knock religion, because there are many who can do it better than I can, but the reliance on the KJV among American evangelicals amazes me because it’s the least reputable version out there. “All those direct translations from the Greek or Aramaic weren’t hatey enough, so here’s a cut and paste job

Because there is no legal path to citizenship for a lot of the people who are already in this country. That’s the law the GOP ignores in demonizing the undocumented as somehow evading good ol’ American citizenship when it’s, in fact, not available.

That “don’t break the law” strawman breaks down pretty quickly when you start looking at people that lacked any intent (or were not capable of forming intent) because they came here as children.

I remain, but shouldn’t, befuddled that the GOPs entire approach to immigration is based on fundamental misunderstandings of, well, everything. Sociology, economics, demographics, law...none of it crosses into their simple stick-figure cartoon of drug lords and welfare cheats sneaking across an undefended border.

My in-laws are adamant that they aren’t Fox viewers, but they exist in a bubble of Facebook posts, newspaper op-eds and the like that parrot the same talking points.

Family dynamics can be messy, I guess, and sometimes we’re stuck.

“We didn’t think we elected St. Joseph” is exactly the sort of thing my conservative family were saying this weekend. The same people that stroked out when Barry O. wore a tan suit or put his feet on the desk. The delusional hypocrisy is eating my brain.

Someone here tried to tell me they only win because all the opponents party hard in Vegas and they don’t win on the road. Lots of bad takes have existed about this team, don’t worry.

There’s something decidely Joker about him.

I grew up around firearms and currently own none. I was going to get my pistol permit because elderly relatives have pistols and it’s a lot easier to transfer them over when the time comes, but every local “gun safety” mandatory class is an NRA commercial about how Lefty is coming for your guns and your family will


My FIL is a lowkey racist Cowherd-follower and got upset that I don’t like Duke, because “what do you have against intellectual team players?”

A few years ago, I was walking past the local plaza Subway as a couple of cops came out, right as a parked SUV jumped into of gear and ran up onto the sidewalk, hitting the front of a nearby store, probably twenty feet from us.

In one of my first management jobs, I scheduled a meeting with a higher up to discuss someone known far and wide to be a problem. We sat down and the boss said “And what’s my old friend [problem] up to now?” I was not a manager there long.

A problem I see—and I wish I could answer—is that “college basketball” and “NBA” are seen are two subspecies of the same sport. In my experience there are a lot of college fans that don’t want NBA, so even if the NBA could create a minor league system, it won’t have those fans who will still look for a college game.

We drifted away after one or two eps. I salute your fortitude.