19th Burner Breakdown

Despite what (Mr.) Paulson tweeted...the league should step in. There’s no way the league (or US Soccer) couldn’t foot the bill, work out stadium deal with some college, etc. It’s not going to be pretty, but look at the pics Hope Solo posted years ago—they already weren’t in pro-level digs. Pay the salaries, hold the

“Family friendly”, however, will include scantily-dressed cheerleaders.

That Davis match was a lot of fun to watch. Both the play and the drama from their injuries and the various delays.

Ah, Upscale Jenna Fischer

Always some purist opposed to 100% and being a cranky contrarian because the home didn’t have his favorite pudding.

The “Larry” chant was pretty awesome though.

Agreed. I knew how much I didn’t have every time I took the hit on a $17, $21, $25, etc overdraft fee over the years. But it kept the lights on, put gas in the car so I could get to work, and kept the landlord from throwing me out.

I get so angry at the “well, they never should have put the needle in their arm” crowd who is absolutely certain that they’d quit oxy cold turkey the moment it became hard to get.

I’ve had business owners say, in front of these crowds, “we can’t move into your town because there isn’t good rail access, the weather would up our costs tremendously and your potential workforce can’t pass a drug test” only to have the crowds, three minutes later, complaining about Obama and free trade. So...

I’m finding, from heroin-infused middle America, that it’s starting to trickle into their consciousness that this isn’t just “junkies without jobs or hopes” as my in-laws (slightly to the right of Satan) constantly say.

Similar. And that for every Constitutional case he gets to opine rightward on, there’s going to be a hundred plea agreements and prisoner petitions to wade through.

I’m an Old by internet standards and I can, sometimes on clear days, remember when politics was about people with differing views on policy, not True ‘Mericans and Commie cucks. For years the meat and potatoes of the right has been claiming that “liberals” hate America and Americans and it seemed so stupid no one

Get on that Zyrtec sponsorship train. I’d love any team not sponsored by a betting company.

This story was very dusty.

As a former defense attorney, please do go. Even if the prosecution uses every trick to dismiss every juror of color, that means they used their challenges and I’m keeping the white kindergarten teacher and the white hippie with the peace sign t-shirt who might have some doubt about police benevolence.

I can remember bartering with my parents about how, if I got to quit jv baseball with the abusive inappropriate asshole of a coach, what other activities I’d have to do. Because I was a kid and couldn’t be trusted to identify a creep versus having parents say “maybe the Bad News Bears was just a movie.”

My elderly relatives live in fear of Affirmative Action. The other day they were bemoaning how a family friend was so lucky a black person didn’t want his (new) job or his 20 years of selection, training and experience would have been out the window.

Funny how one can research such things without liking and retweeting them, too.

I turned it off when he was doing well in the second, so I’m so glad to see this result this morning.

I’ve never understood why having the GPS-locked coordinates of the puck at all times is the supposed reason people don’t like hockey. Watch the players and you’ll see where the puck is.