19th Burner Breakdown

The idea of interacting with the other people in a casino is pretty high on my nightmare list. Give me video poker any day.

So you’ve met my inlaws.

Wholly agree. Five minutes with my friends’ kids and I’m ready for therapy. I don’t know how they do it.

Short answer, because I’m tired and this circle is unproductive: lots of places want US-trained lawyers because of the legal skills education, on the theory that they can learn the law of X once they’re in place. Whether it is more or less in reference to any other profession I cannot say, and I cannot say what Greece

You phrased this so much better than I could and said exactly what I was thinking. I shall retain you as my spokesaccount.

To me it all depends on the asker and what’s being asked. From management, it’s more likely to be an issue for me because I feel they aren’t valuing me or people in my position From coworkers with an issue, be it an emergency illness or even needing to get dinner on the table at a reasonable hour? I can cover for them

I don’t want to sound like I begrudge my parent-coworkers anything because I know they don’t have it easy juggling family and work, but YES, SO MUCH YES. I had a very toxic coworker in my last job who was also a single parent and I have very much bitterness how coworker, basically, did none of the requirements of the

I married late(r) in life and we can’t have children. Most of my career has been hearing, from bosses and coworkers, how little my time as a single person/child-free person meant.

I can’t speak to the immigrant desires of various countries. I can say, as a lawyer, that I’ve been hired, in multiple jurisdictions, to do foreclosure, bankruptcy, landlord/tenant, child welfare, criminal defense and muni law based on the fact I have a law degree, not that I specialized in Ontario drunk driving or

Demand for nurses is always higher, but there are also a lot more of them willing to change locale than the lawyers. 

And when you arrest a bad hombre and lock him up for a couple years and then fly him to Mexico City and, surprise, he’s back six months later because it’s his business to be here. I once handled a DV case for a woman whose husband had been deported six times.

A while back our courts started making us remind our clients that, if they weren’t citizens, a plea could have residency/removal implications. Because, you know, hand-to-mouth assigned counsel working with marginally-literate and unemployed defendants who would plead to murder 1 to get out and see family

About a hundred years ago the Eastern Europeans and Mediterranean sorts officially became American White when the WASPS needed a new bulwark against darker people.

Generally, it’s the underlying skill set that they value, not experience with any particular code. But there is also a demand for, example, a NY-licensed lawyer working for your Mumbai & NY import/export at Mumbai wages.

I’ve always felt the same way. I’m proud of things I worked for and accomplished. I didn’t accomplish my Americanism.

Of course, you also have to remember that this crowd believes stories about how she personally selected Americans for execution and other myths.

You’ve piqued my interest to check these out. I missed the start of the Monday Night shows because I still though of wrestling as the squash/clip shows I’d see on Maple Leaf Wrestling or TBS.

“nor is his decision to play in an inferior league a pock upon his character or morals or ambition.”

As long as fans keep filling the stadium, management isn’t going to change their business model. Of course, when given the chance to spend an afternoon/evening watching baseball in that park, I’m in every time. I am the problem.

I live among these people.