19th Burner Breakdown

Had to star this because that’s talking to my elderly relatives in a nutshell. Whatever “stats” are cited in the right wing press are accepted as full-on irrefutable.

I’d second your anecdotes as far as exposure goes. I’m from a very white area of the US and I have family members—dirt poor to college-educated (and combinations thereof) who have never spoken to a black person and base their entire assumptions about anyone not-white from tv, movies and “news.” Most of them aren’t

Thanks for proving the point that a lot of people don’t understand what goes into citizenship.

“We should compare the athleticism of Africans to the NFL, and that will show that slavery was good for them.” This was said, in earnest good faith as if it were an intellectual marvel, by the dumbest fucking person I know.

I’ve had to almost cut it out entirely, especially when the family is around, because they love any chance to cheer MAGA stuff.

And yet, judging by my elderly relatives, none of them actually know what affirmative action is or does. Things I have heard said, with full authority of Facebook truth behind it: “black kids get 400 SAT points because of race”, “white kids can’t get into medical school” and “[friend who was handpicked and

The point that I want emphasized everywhere is the difficulty of accessing citizenship, even if you’re here legally. I’ve heard way too many people talk about it like it’s going to the DMV or (imagine how someone might reference this connection, if you can) to the welfare office.

I used to live in an agricultural area where many of the laborers were less than properly documented. Crime was almost nonexistent in their population (everyone was probably too tired to fight) and, while they lived simply on low wages, they were shopping at our local stores. They were exactly what the stereotype of

Mine either. Walked in and never left. Just white enough to get away with it.

Did you also serve in Bowling Green?

I’d agree with this take, because I think there’s a lot of value to understanding why she did what she did(n’t have any involvement in...)

Don’t worry, they’ll blame the black guy still.

There’s a Premier League manager (forget his name) who was just fired by (forget the team) but it was like the fourth miserable team he’s coached—they bring him in, shore up so they don’t get relegated, and he leaves when they reach mediocrity. It’s a perfect fit for Fisher.

I’m always torn on these, because (1) Tomlin has clear deficiencies but (2) the Cowherd crowd hates a black head coach and always whines when he isn’t drawn and quartered for a mediocre season.

And then Coco, who didn’t need any help losing, lost a point to start a game on a penalty for her second tantrum following the banana incident.

I blame Altidore.

Best part of Canadian moving is you get to keep the health care and such, a short drive from the new office.

It’s wonderful that my racist MIL can now pivot between “Sweden will collapse any day because socialism” to “Sweden will collapse any day because Islam.” Makes for a nice amuse bouche between courses.

Reminds me of the story that gay relationships only last six to 18 months so there’s no reason they need to marry, as parroted by my religious relatives as “science-based.”

And now the elderly relatives will gloat over this “Protestant problem” on the way to mass where the priest routinely implies that the Catholic sex scandal was all gotcha media by a secular press hostile to Catholicism.