19th Burner Breakdown

I agree, in the abstract. In this case, though, it’s a panel of peers with rules drawn up by those peers to do a job that, at the time, seemed straightforward. Then a Cowboy ran afoul of the Old West justice that Jerruh previously promoted and suddenly it’s a league-wide issue in his mind.

Well, in my county legislative district, we had a young, urbane, literate business owner versus a barely literate MAGA. GOP won in a walk. It’s going to need to be durable young candidates who get out there and push, knowing they’ll lose at first.

In the list of NFL players who are “soft” I think QBs, even questionably Hall of Fame ones, have to rank pretty high.

I have an acquaintance in for murder who will be eligible for parole in the next couple of years. I worry about him because he’s done relatively well in prison, but he’s been there his entire adult life. He’s what we called “slow” when I was in school and menial labor was all he ever did. Now he’ll be at least

Well, the base he’s pandering to doesn’t, that’s for sure.

If the Senate votes on party lines, yes.

Pretty much what I was thinking. Then again, if they just put him on drug charge pleas where he gets to send brown people to jail for decades, he might stay quiet and out of the way.

Where I see this as a problem is with the tightest budgets. Adult me can miscount by $5 and it’s just fixing some math. College me could misspend by $5 and the ripples of fees and worries could last two months until the account was stable.

I can’t describe—literally, I lack the way to put into words the change in worldview-how everything changed when I started a relationship with someone who had money in the bank. Not even rich or well off or comfortable, but just a paycheck cushion where we could spontaneously go out to eat or get oil changes before

I never felt “entitled”, like I was owed or it was my right. I knew I’d get socked with fees and, apart from the bank actively reordering transactions to max their charges, it’s an expected part of the process. I felt stressed and angry and tired and locked in because I was already spending next month’s check by

That’s a very valid question and my somewhat facetious point is probably based on a simplified set of assumptions.

We’ve started doing this in my family, just south of the border. The extra six weeks means the travel weather is much better.

I find this is one of those poverty things where a lot of people who have never been there are “why did you use the card?” or “didn’t you know?” as my entire paycheck would be eaten by a variety of fees...because sometimes you pay the car, the lights, and the rent when they are due to keep the things you immediately

Oh, they won’t. It would mess up their meal ticket complaining.

I grew up around guns and never really cared, despite all the rhetoric, until it became a thing for people to walk around armed to prove a political point. The guy that opened fire in the movie theater? The guy that shop up the car of kids at a gas station? Both of them were so sure they were good guys with guns until

That’s the point I think of whenever “but Chicago!” comes up, because legal and illegal guns are generally for the taking in the surrounding states.

Sometimes I want the revolution to come so I can see exactly what one guy with 15 ARs and 23 handguns in his wood-frame home can do against the tyranny of an artillery strike from a mile out.

That’s some quality entertainment.

I don’t know how the FIFA one-time switch rules work, but Pulisic ought to be looking into that Croatian team if he wants to play in a World Cup.

If US Soccer wasn’t a closed system, I’d have more hope. Anyone with any real authority in the federation has been a product of the federation, leading to the chances of even incremental change being unlikely.