
I'm really loving the combination of 2D and 3D. I know they've been doing it for ages now, but there's something about this iteration that's delightful. There's a scene where Underbite asks a tiny bird the way to the city, and it's just the cutest thing. My wife—not normally a Transformers fan—is in love with him now.

I was waiting for someone to skip over the butter and go straight to her southern fried racism.

Playing One Winged Angel in the background enhances the picture.

To get the true Skyrim experience there should have been a scene afterward where he REFUSES to drop a single god damn thing and slowly crawls toward the nearest shop npc.

maybe the DINGOS ate your plane

Reminds me of the ending of Red Dead Redemption (spoilers)

Good for him. He made a fun game, he didn't rip anyone off. He's earned his money.

A Cessna powered by a Pratt & Whitney turbofan out of an F16...

Some days while i sit at this desk and realize my job doesnt really mean anything. Standing in a plastic robot costume making people smile and children cry sounds like a good alternative.

After the incident at the local Chuck E'Cheese his only comment was, "girls are icky!"

And here I thought Browns fans were from Cleveland...


Are there Lego people in the Lego People line? Is there Lego for the Lego People line Lego people? Is there a Lego People line in the Lego for the Lego people in the Lego People line? Lego People line Lego people Lego line People Lego?

they did this already.

The Sonic Cycle is finally broken. All you had to do was strip out the gameplay entirely.