I honestly wonder if Activision’s hiring of Armin Zerza had had any influence in his decision. I hope so...
I honestly wonder if Activision’s hiring of Armin Zerza had had any influence in his decision. I hope so...
I find it offensive that you would post such pornography, nay, automobile erotica, on Christmas day.
And it reminds me of how the beginning of every match of Red Dead Redemption multiplayer was for me...
Any reports of hooker deaths by candy caning yet?
Skyrim Ultimate Edition is currently $13.59 on steam right now (12/22/2014). Sale ends in 23 hours.
Speaking of which, I keep reading comments stating that exact mansion is also a player owned property in GTA V. Not sure if it's true though as I'm still holding out for the PC version of the game.
Neither new or cheap but I've always be impartial to the Super Charged Cobra V8 Focus.
I can't stop giggling at the thought of this....
She got off easy once you consider the VVS.
Yeah, I don't know why it doesn't occur to people that if you recording for a scene with two people outside, why you don't record your lines you know, outside? Even if its right outside your door in your back yard. Or rerecord a recording coming out of your speakers to simulate a news broadcast. Not saying it be…
Legoception*, you're doing it right...
*Not to be confused with Legception where your legs grows legs, that grow legs, that grow legs...
Just wait for the next Steam sale . Pretty sure I've seen Skyrim Legendary Edition go for as low as $15.00 before...
God dammit, and I bought Origins alone for $5 during Steams Black November sale...
Wow this really puts into perspective how lucky I am to be a California driver. When I got busted in college for going 103 on the interstate, I got like a $500 fine and 54 hours community service (which I spent working at a car museum).
For the record, yes I know it was stupid and that's why it has never happen again.
My inner troll thought of the exact same thing. The more obvious the fake the better too just so when someone gives you crap about it you can just pop the back and really watch their brain break.