
I honestly wonder if Activision’s hiring of Armin Zerza had had any influence in his decision. I hope so...

That’s why you’ll have to sometimes play verbal chicken with them until you get the right service rep. Honestly most of them are not going to look to see if you have competitors or not so you can simply say something along the lines of “Well AT&T is running a special offer of $20 for 1 year of their DSL service

The whole "black bond" hubbub is ridiculous. Only reason I wouldn't want him as bond is because I still really like Daniel Craig in the role. Not because of his ethnicity. That said if Daniel Craig did decide to walk away I think Elba be the perfect replacement. Loved his characters in Pacific Rim and Thor mostly

I don't know if any other stadiums/sports teams do this but O.co Colosseum in Oakland, CA will give you a free A's ticket for any old cellphone you donate working or not.

Any word regarding potential spokespersons yet?

I find it offensive that you would post such pornography, nay, automobile erotica, on Christmas day.

And it reminds me of how the beginning of every match of Red Dead Redemption multiplayer was for me...

Any reports of hooker deaths by candy caning yet?

All 4 people in North Korea

Skyrim Ultimate Edition is currently $13.59 on steam right now (12/22/2014). Sale ends in 23 hours.

Speaking of which, I keep reading comments stating that exact mansion is also a player owned property in GTA V. Not sure if it's true though as I'm still holding out for the PC version of the game.

Now playing

"We have not caved. We have not given in. We have persevered,"

Confirmation that Batman is Santa Clause... or more accurately, Krampus.

Now that it's been reported that N. Korea IS behind the cyber attacks and most likely the terrorist threats, Sony and the movie theaters should immediately hold a press conference stating that they will now again show the movie on Christmas day base on the determination that a terrorist threat by N. Korea provides no

I can't stop giggling at the thought of this....

Now playing

She got off easy once you consider the VVS.

Yeah, I don't know why it doesn't occur to people that if you recording for a scene with two people outside, why you don't record your lines you know, outside? Even if its right outside your door in your back yard. Or rerecord a recording coming out of your speakers to simulate a news broadcast. Not saying it be

Legoception*, you're doing it right...

*Not to be confused with Legception where your legs grows legs, that grow legs, that grow legs...