19 Tequilas Later, We Had A Deal...

I’ll take the word of the former CIA Acting Director, with 32 years of experience working in intelligence and several of those at the upper echelons, who says this was espionage if any other individual working in the government had done it.

Pleeeeeeeeeease let it happen. And soon enough.

I’m sorry if you don’t like being told that but if you voted for Trump you voted for racism. You voted for a misogynist. You voted for an arguably mediocre businessman who has made a career out of screwing over contractors and has a terrible reputation. You voted for someone who’s idea of diplomacy is angry tweeting

And Hillary would sell top level White House access to any foreign country who wants to fund her personal lifestyle. Remember the Lincoln bedroom days? She’s a crooked politician of the highest caliber. We have a Washington full of those, and I don’t like any of them.

Lol look at the unemployment numbers by the end of obama’s term. If Trump had started with the shit pile left by GWB like Obama did we would be in a MUCH MUCH worse place right now.

you seriously think the current employment numbers are a trump accomplishment? oh brother.

The “Liberal Media” is this hard on Trump because he brings it upon itself and deserves every single bit of criticism he gets. I won’t even start listing the scandals and reasons why here because I would probably find out that Kinja does in fact have a word count limit and discover what it is.

I will say this

A hunk a hunk a burning love

They need to convert the bars to coins. You know someone like Mango Mussolini wants to take a gold bath and not just a golden shower.

This the the sort of persistent disbelief that wealthy perpetuate and it really makes me angry.

And what of those who need childcare? You’ll need to double that wage increase to cover that cost? And what of the indigent? And of the short-term unemployed.

An oldie but a goodie.

Learn how to fucking speak English. We live in America

Things I’ve heard trump call Comey

They will now spend 14 hours locked in a steel tube, thousands of feet above the ground, with a man not exactly known for gracefully handling bad news.


Don’t forget this gem of a quote: “The soon-to-be commissioned Gerald R. Ford USS — what a place. It really feels like a place”

“ The media won’t tell you this, but after only 4 months as president - I’m speaking to a crowd of new officers, 200 jobs that didn’t happen under Obama. These jobs would have otherwise gone to Mexico. No one is a better friend to the um... Connecticut Navy... than I am. “