19 Tequilas Later, We Had A Deal...

Do you think Trump would have an aneurysm if Trey and Matt made a pilot for “That’s My Trump!”?

I genuinely don’t see how Theresa May can hang on as PM for much longer. Her approval rating was already below Trump’s before this happened and at this point I don’t think there can be anyone left in the country who doesn’t loathe her.

It’s a good idea. It’s a good idea to do the same thing in Midtown NYC. People own these places and don’t live in them, that shouldn’t be permitted in places like London and New York. You want to own it? Live there or rent it out to a full-time resident. Or pay 25% of the purchase price every year as a tax.

On a personal level this is absolutely heartbreaking, but my overwhelming feeling is anger about this. The failings in this building by Kensington and Chelsea Council are an absolute discrace, blocks of flats don’t go up like that - fires are usually contained to one apartment or at worst one or two floors. This

I think one of the worst parts of that is that apparently as a country we haven’t learned too much:

Well, as far as Trump is concerned, there’s an old saying in Tennessee—I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee—that says, fool me once, shame on—shame on you. Fool me—you can’t get fooled again. 

The US already HAS Sharia law... that’s the funny part.. its not associated with Islam, but it already has it.

There’s absolutely no winning this argument with them. Even if you point out to them things like the PP shooting, Sikh temple shooting, Jewish community center shooting, etc., all things that were proven to be done by individuals radicalized by right-wing talking points/propaganda/conspiracy theories, they literally

Whenever I hear Americans say Sharia law being implemented is a threat or even possible I have to worry about my eyes rolling out of my skull.

As a former public school teacher and someone who has spent her entire career working to improve secondary education and post-secondary education for our most vulnerable youth, I cannot underscore how catastrophic her shit is. My heart breaks for the literal millions of people this shit will impact just so a handful

You’re not wrong Walter you’re just ... well actually you don’t sound like an asshole right now either. Carry on with fucking the NRA.

Here’s another stat to remember. Only about 5% of gun owners belong to the NRA. Because the NRA is a fucking evil institution that represents fucking irresponsible assholes and not responsible gun owners.

“Pew..pew..pew! Hey guys, looky....I’m defeating ISIS!”

I too, am offended. Julius Caesar, whatever his faults, was a man of talent, ability, intelligence, and skill. Trump shares none of these. To portray Caesar as Trump is an insult. 

Wouldn’t it be hysterical if becoming President was what ended up completely destroying his family/financial ‘empire’?????? If he’d have just kept his fucking mouth shut and stayed in New York, no one would have dug into any of this. One can only hope......

I was doing backflips when it was announced that Mueller would be the special prosecutor.

Robert Swan Mueller III is a cold-war era badass. After serving as a Marine he served in U.S. Attorney offices 12 years. From there he built a reputation as a dogged, relentless, detail-obsessed bloodhound. He prosecuted

Kinja, I am dissapoint. Read all the comments and not one correction....

He is not a cunt. He has neither the warmth nor the depth.

If we hurt his feelings enough, will he cancel his US visit?

Repubs: always such asswipes for how they blow financial institutions so to receive re-election/PAC money. Welfare to the richest 1%—always.