19 Tequilas Later, We Had A Deal...

However to play devil’s advocate here, almost no one here commenting has been President of the US, or has his net worth. I’ll chalk it up to a lucky inheritance, but it didn’t go to all hookers and blow, so even though he’s complete tool, there’s something he’s doing right that we can’t see.

Can you say “bad ass”?

This might work...

Bless you for this! You saved the day!

Wow! So tragic!


He must be jobless. Sure has a lot of time to waste on replies, don’t you think?

Hang on, let me fire up the bong...

But he looks so harmless! He would never...

“And the president should be fuckin’ fired, immediately.”

...or the former President of the Navy:

I hear this Corporal is an “up-and-comer”: