19 Tequilas Later, We Had A Deal...


A person like this is worth WAAAAAYYYYY more than $38,000 a year!

Apparently he’s paid a cool $180,000.00 a year salary to lie.

(Sorry Lady Liberty. It has to be done.)

Presidential Physical Fitness Award?

Err... Glad I could be of service?

Uh... Glad I could be of service?

Well, of course they did!

NASCARS are pussies!

For the record: Mine IS that good!

The Japanese band “Shoyu Weenie” had the same copyright issues until Harvey Birdman took the case:

Works for me:

They already have a flag...

Dishonesty, plagerism and cheating are the new norm in “Trump’s ‘Murica”. Sad.

This, but with Bill O’Reilly...