Cannot wait to see the Facebook video.
Cannot wait to see the Facebook video.
This is where I’m a stupid kid. I’d have thrown the wheels down and told him to “try it, motherfucker!” Then I’d end up banned from the yard, and in jail on assault. Because if I’m not mistaken, it doesn’t really matter who swings first.
Wait, so it’s talking out of its’ ass?
Coke? That’s just sugar, you fool! I run a bakery! Can’t prove nuthin’!
Well, I figured you meant driving cautiously. I just saw the opportunity for the joke.
Wouldn’t that make you MORE suspicious though? I’m a new driver, so I’m not experienced in dealing with cops.
Uh, I live here. It takes six inches for schools.
I’m probably coming to his defense because I’m somewhat similar.
Stopped what? Carrying a kilo of coke in the trunk?
Wow, both the judge and the cop sound like complete pricks.
I suppose you’re right. Again though, I think it was just exaggeration on David’s part.
To be fair, that Corvette theft is REALLY depressing. Someone poured hours and thousands into it only for some shitheels to steal it and torch it. Also, I think it’s a bit of an exaggeration when he says he wants to cry over it.*
I’d go as far to say that it isn’t fair to assholes to call the thieves that.
THANK YOU. That was my first thought.
Speak for yourself. Condolences, at least to me, would indicate that people care, that they’re acknowledging I’m in a tough spot. Yes, your beliefs that guns are the problem. Like others say, if people want to kill, they’re going to do it- with a gun, knife, car, doesn’t matter. Funny you say it doesn’t help trying to…
B1. Purchased illegally. Typo, but sort of ties in to my response- for all we know, it could’ve come across the border illegaly. Hard to say.
I’m sure he legally bought it at a gun store and followed all the proper procedures. Totally.
I’m sitting here with my mouth open trying to think of ANYTHING to comment. All I can say is I hope these wannabe carjackers get their asses kicked, whether judicially or good old ass-whoopings.
The problem with this is that if something happens to the owner while test driving it, the shop could be held responsible for any issues with the car.