I want to know just what happened to that Chevy.
I want to know just what happened to that Chevy.
Name one time they were racist on the show. I’ll wait. I don’t get this attitude. Why is it okay for the N-word to be turned around into something positive (Basically by ending it in an A) but the flag can’t be turned into a positive symbol of simply being proud of being from the South?
Barris had nothing to do with the General Lee. Why he continued to insist he did is beyond me.
Hartland? My cousins were raised there.
No. Kris Kristofferson.
Definitely ‘78-’79. My thought it 1979.
Nah, I saw lots of people calling for his impeachment the day he got into office!
You mean like the liberals protesting and trying to get Trump kicked out?
I have no social life, but alas, my photoshop skills are inadequate.
I KNEW that Impala was going to be at Gateway. Gateway or Vanguard were my two guesses.
I never thought I’d want a 90s Cutlass or Grand Prix, but.... I kinda do now. That ‘94 looks good.
So why did you even mention it in the first place? You literally put the idea of his friends hanging him into his head for no reason.
There’s no way that story happened. But it’s funny.
This is 2 years old. All Right Now is by “Free”, not Bad Company.
If this guy’s right and it is a rebadged Everest, I’m going to be extremely pissed. That’d be a total fuck-up of a once great name. As of now, if only for my heart’s sake, I’m calling total bullshit.
Sure, if you consider a gravel road “offroading”
I too have always wondered this. It just sounds so unnatural. I don’t drive Dakota, I drive A/THE Dakota.
That’s 71 cars, not pages.
I just do year and price, since 95% of my Craigslist dreams are pre -’74 muscle cars.
This got shared to the front page, confusing the hell out of me.