
They used 300 or so. Hardly a year’s worth. That said, I get what you’re saying.

The way I see it is: Less cool cars used in movies= Less cool cars destroyed in movies.

The way I see it is: Less cool cars used in movies= Less cool cars destroyed in movies.

My grandfather’s 68 Camaro with a 454 could use some work. I think tuning results would be best with open headers. Charles, can you help me out?

My grandfather’s 68 Camaro with a 454 could use some work. I think tuning results would be best with open headers. Charles, can you help me out?

Fuck people like those neighbors. It fills me with seething rage that they want to take away something like this. Charles, keep doin’ what you’re doing!

Cory of SMPFilms and LiveEachDay (formerly DudeLikeHella) is by all accounts I’ve heard a really good guy.

I agree. Those were hilarious. The dude at 2:20 in the first video looked absolutely mortified.

Oh, that poor Boss. I’d have been absolutely infuriated.

I could not live without Dave & Chuck the Freak. You are wrong, ma’am.

That one is new to me. I know GM’s idea was simulated velocity stacks.

‘68 V6 Mustang? That’s going to be difficult, since they were straight sixes.

The rest of us call it an SS hood or ice cube tray hood.

I’d like to someday find my Dad’s ‘73 Firebird and surprise him with it. And his Bronco. But the Bronco’s for me.

When it came out, it was everywhere. Every NFS or GTA video on YouTube had that damn song in it. Only part I liked in it was that kickass Monte Carlo.

Wonder how many classic cars they’ll ruin this time. I already saw a ‘64-’67 Vette get wrecked.

1:23 you can see the stand they used to make the Charger stand up. Still, cool trailer.


The Funk of The Flatulence awakened my inner six year old, and I promptly started laughing.

A new Motorstorm would be rather nice.