
Because to me, there isn’t a single engine in the goddamn world that sounds better.

No, no it’s not. But, as the saying goes, two wrongs don’t make a right. Just because they do it, doesn’t mean you should.

I will let THEM decide. I personally don’t really believe it, but if they want to be religious, I will let them. Why? Because I don’t need to force my beliefs down everyone else’s throats.

Its gods punishment for HEY LOOK AN AGENDA FOR ME TO PUSH.

Hammond was basically my surrogate this episode. That’s a car I’d drive, and that’s how I’d drive it. May’s twitchy eye had me howling. Glorious episode.

That’s just how the SVO was. I’m sure there’s some reason for it. I just don’t know what it was.

You shithead, DETROIT’S the Motor City!

I can do it now.

Weird as it sounds, I’ve never chewed gum.

What kinda Stang?

I never realized until now that it’s kinda hard to rub your belly an pat your head at the same time.

I learned (am learning) in my Dakota.

I love how Tran’s just there, chilling with people he’s supposed to be totally against.

I’m thankful that my intake welds are still intact.

The fact that I had to scroll this far down to see a mention of this disappoints me.

My truck has a hole in the bed I can put my fist through. The whole bed is junk. The ‘68 Camaro is rusting under the vinyl top even though it’s never even seen a winter road.

I’m not sure if citizens control that, but then again I’m 17, so I wouldn’t yet know. If Michigan stopped using that shit I’d be a very happy boy.

That ElCo is a 70.

Wait, do you have the Firebird you describe? If so, I’d like to see it!

Gotta love the Rockcrusher! Man, I want one for my grandfather’s Camaro so badly.