
Well, yeah, that’s true. Hence why they shouldn’t be saying protesters broke in.

Oh, thank you thank you thank you!

You’re right! How could I have been so foolish?! Sorry protesters!

They’re not protesters when they start smashing and stealing shit. They’re rioters and thieves.

No. Uh-uh. Never.

That’s one of my personal favorites as well. The landing looks so smooth.

Ugh, I need to upgrade to Windows 10. I just wish I could stick with 7. 7 is comfortable.

I just hope mine’s enough. I built it at the tail end of 2014.

Sure, give me $1000 to tear into it and I’ll get right on that. Notice I said “in the family.” That’s because it isn’t my car. I’m 17, it’s my grandfather’s, but I hate asking him to spend money on them. I don’t know why, I just do.

I like that Pretty Sure That’s A Lambo shirt.

I was just making sure I wasn’t losing my mind LOL. I remember it, but not well.

Especially Camaros, as you know. The ‘67 Chevelle in the family? Has problems, but runs and drives quite happily. The ‘68 Camaro? Yeah, it won’t run right (if at all) under any circumstances.

I’ve seen this before. Where else did you post this?

I thought I was the only one getting sent to the store.

Now playing

Seriously. Do NOT screw up a great ending, and for the love of God, let the man and the character he was known for just rest in peace.

As soon as I saw it, I knew he’d won COTD.

Why do I keep going to the store when trying to post a picture?

I mis read that as 7000cc. A Hemi Tuk Tuk, now there’s a Great idea!

God, I love that game.

LOL, over my dead body!