19b4 / austin hates Herbs

First off, the site *totally* knew he was speaking out his ass when he said he was unaware of the “political climate”. I mean, just using that phrase implies that he isnt wrong so much as the group think wont let him express his better opinions without backlash. Anyway, they knew he was lying cause they suspended him

Gamers: We want more options for interaction! More choices! Stop limiting my decisions!

I disagree. Everything is political, because politics is about our society, and who it’s for. When people say they don’t want to bring politics into something, what they are really saying is that they want to maintain society’s status quo and pretend anything that is “other” doesn’t exist, or is too indecent to be

You’d be wrong about Cap being a homophobe. He’s been supportive of the LGBT community since at least the 80's when his childhood friend came out to him.

Addressing (or simply mentioning) racism/racial discrimination, sexuality, gender, and the like are not political statements. Smh.

It sounds to me like what “John” needs here is a therapist, and is instead trying to use the letter writer as a free one. He’s clearly neglecting/avoiding things that should be important in his life and that should be addressed.

I don't think someone is an asshole for liking someone but being exhausted at their neediness and not knowing how to respond to that. The writer is asking for advice, which shows he is uncomfortable about ghosting and would like a better answer.

Whoa dude - you need to calm down. It’s clear that he doesn’t know how to manage this relationship and that’s precisely why he wrote the letter. You don’t need to be an asshole and call him out for asking an advice column... for advice. It’s clear he doesn’t know how to handle his situation - so back the fuck off and

They think that liberals frame people all the time and get away with it. So when they try to do it they get caught because they believe their own rhetoric.

Oof. I’m never gonna knowingly click on another Yong Yea video again. But like I said, taken in context, I don’t think it was fairplay to use the clickbaity article titles. The content of the articles was fine. And ultimately Randy’s admittance of where he messsed up in the communication was good. I’m not relaly fond

I thought BL2s junk system was pretty amazing, and was really irritated they removed it for the presequel. Star items you really like in your inventory, junk things you only intend to sell, and leave unmarked anything you’ve yet to consider. Then hitting a vending machine and pressing the sell junk button, it was

There’s also some interesting stuff, from the same poll, that he left out.

Pitchford said that each action skill will also eventually unlock augmentations that will allow for further customization, which could lead to very different builds between players who choose the same character. These augmentations were not shown, however.

Don’t forget about Kennedy, and Reagan...Hell, even Jackson got in a gunfight when somebody called his wife fat right to his face.

George Washington was absolutely savaged in the press for pretty bullshit reasons by people hiding behind pseudonyms. Those people turned out to be his friends and advisors.

I very much appreciate Senator Hirono’s efforts here, especially considering I don’t even know how someone can have a neck when they are clearly missing their spine.

Is this too good to be true?

Senator Hirono Came for Attorney General Barr’s Neck

As great as the video is of Sen. Hirono, Barr showed that he, like his boss, is genetically incapable of feeling shame about anything.

Just stop picking up the crappy guns. Once you get to, like, level 10 or so, the only reason to loot white stuff is if you want to complete looting challenges for Badass Ranks. Ditto green and, eventually, blue stuff as you get higher level.