Riot is very committed to cleaning up its culture as long as it faces zero consequences, zero scrutiny, and doesn’t have to fire anyone of any real significance.
Riot is very committed to cleaning up its culture as long as it faces zero consequences, zero scrutiny, and doesn’t have to fire anyone of any real significance.
All geek culture is hyper capitalism as a lifestyle. We are defined by products. Capitalism at its core is exploitation. Thus our weabishness creates and continues the situation.
lol wut
Trying to pretend like misogyny is a jock vs. nerd problem isn’t helpful. Misogyny (and racism and homophobia and...) run just as deep in most nerdy cultural enclaves as they do just about anywhere else. The lack of women on the m:tg pro scene isn't just because of this one creepy douchebag.
Except that we don’t live in a perfect meritocracy where every kind of person is treated equally. That’s why we need to highlight representation of marginalized groups. Otherwise, the system can happily continue to marginalize them.
Just a friendly reminder not to ungrey the inevitable shit storm from garbage Magic players.
American society hasn’t even run into a resource scarcity problem in my lifetime. You could argue that we haven’t worldwide, either, and that it’s just a distribution problem. Doesn’t mean we won’t in the future, but it’s not an immediate issue and is going to be driven by climate change rather than the movement of a…
God, that fake Lizardo dude is seventy different kinds of pathetic.
well that and the fact taht money is infinite. Real resources are obviously not but money is endless. We can always make more of it.
On the plus side they’re not sharing butchered cat photos but the d-bag trolls are back. They copied Dr lizario or whatever and are posting endgame spoilers.
Totally deserved, Burchett is a great player.
Stay outta the greys. The intersection between the vocal MTG community and bigots is super unfortunate.
I’ve been asking this question a different way for years: “Why do all zombie stories take place in a world without zombie stories?”
I usually *hate* gifs because it’s like saying a word too many times — it just loses its meaning *but* that gif is pure joy ✨
Well, Atlus NEVER said, implied or promised that Persona 5 would come to Switch, or that P5S would be a Switch port of Persona 5, so anyone who feels “lied to” or “let down”(as I’m seeing people say on other sites) doesn’t have anyone to blame but themselves for getting their hopes up. Does suck for people who don’t…
When I was young, my friend and I used to go camping and play Pokemon Pinball/TCG on our Gameboy Colors.
The Russians are GOOD at it. They can actually spell and use c0mplete sentences.
“Russia’s social media efforts will continue to focus on aggravating social and racial tensions, undermining trust in authorities and criticizing perceived anti-Russia politicians,” the report noted. It also predicted that “Moscow may employ additional influence tool kits — such as spreading disinformation,…
I’m not sure I understand either, but it sounds like she would buy a visa pre-paid card and then charge a tip for more than the amount on the card and then the restaurant ends up paying her for those tips, but they don’t get the money from the card when it’s later processed. So I think she was ripping off the…