Lol. its only released when its actually RELEASED. Game mighty be delayed again... harharhar...
Lol. its only released when its actually RELEASED. Game mighty be delayed again... harharhar...
I bought my first Nintendo in 1985, and in my mind the N64 was the true downfall of Nintendo. On the super famicom they had the most wide variety of games from all sorts of publishers. The N64 only had nintendo games. No Metal Gear, no Final Fantasy, No Street Fighter, no cool obscure japanese games. I mean,…
Hahaha! I did the exact opposite! Best decision i ever made!
You’re weird.
Waitaminute are you the gamers who are always whining about how graphics don’t matter? Make up your mind gamers!!
I think you don’t know a damn thing about Jim Sterling is what i think.
Seriously, how old are you...
You are truly a moron.
One Zelda game. You know there used to be a time when Nintendo was the undisputed leader in video games. Every year they move more and more into irrelevance, trading more and more on nostalgia. The last nintendo console i bought was the Wii. The last nintendo console i got my money’s worth out of was the Super…
If we’re talking about a woman’s boob elasticity in real life, I’ve handled both floppy *super* soft boobs and firmer boobs. So I don’t think you can say there is a single consistency to boob firmness you could declare as “real.” There should probably be some scientific study done on this. I also volunteer to test the…
Nothing to do with morals bro. Just sad. Worthy of pity.
American Alien, i had much higher hopes for this series as I do like Max Landis’s youtube videos. But its just okay, not great. The quick snapshots in each issue are so quick they don’t really move me. As short as each issue is, they feel like mildly interesting ideas that are still stretched too thin, rather than…
Ugh I hated Birthright. It started out okay but then it turned into this weirdly paced *really* forced melodrama towards the end. All-Star Superman was way better. Much *much* smarter and much more creative. It showed Superman in a way i hadn’t seen before. Birthright was a massive disappointment to me after all the…
Oh for chrissake, “Gamers” aren’t a race or a oppressed minority. Try living in the real world. Oh you poor widdle 1st world gamerbros!!!
Totally agree. 20 years ago being a gamer meant something positive in my mind. Now honestly when i hear the word all i can think of is a group of whiny entitled man-children. Blame the media, blame the “gamers”, blame the fucking internet. Whatever. It’s honestly become a negative stereotype in my own mind because the…
All of this shit because they removed a boob slider.... Yeah, there’s only one extremist side even worth talking about.
I totally enjoyed Speed Racer as well. Sad that it didn’t get any attention.
Is Godzilla CGI in this one? Or is he still a man in a suit?
And yet, even with the best CGI teams in the world, the american Godzilla movie ended up being a turd. Go figure.