
Yeah i was wondering about the Crying Game too. I mean when the truth is revealed he doesn’t react with love and acceptance. But its something that he comes to later by the end of the movie. Is that offensive now?

Hmm... everyone acts responsibly and couldn’t possibly act in a way that conceals the truth in any way? That would be fantastic but... I think you don’t live in the real world... I live in Thailand and there are many many stories of transwomen feeling guilty and tormented over how and whether they should reveal

Those people can go fuck themselves. That being said, the movie is deeply flawed for reasons that have nothing to do with the gender of its characters.

Nope. If its like you say then it was a petty and foolish decision on the part of the general in a situation where her one job was to organize her subordinates and especially to keep everybody from panic because their situation was as desperate as it gets. Its the equivalent of a captain on the titanic not telling his

I would rather the heroes failed because the bad guys were just too smart rather than the heroes made some dumb mistakes.

Nope, the problem was that it even abandoned the movie that came right before it!!! So many of the major story threads JJ Abrams built, however poorly, in the force awakens were just cut off at the knees. It’s clear they had no master plan for the story. Its so obvious when you look at it. Even take Luke when Rey

Except the Emperor didn’t get punked half way through the 2nd movie. The truth is Snoke was a shitty character from the very beginning and they never should have included him in the Force Awakens in the first place. But its clear now that they never had a master plan for how the story of this next trilogy should go

TOTALLY AGREE x 1000!! It was a terrible idea to domesticate Magneto for the exact same reason they domesticated frickin’ WOLVERINE in that horrible origins movie!!!! Seriously WTF were these people thinking??? And then pulling the same shit of having the loved one be killed to force the plot point and make them turn

None of which is an excuse to act like an asshole.

Lol, you just proved his point. If GAMERZ are that up their own asses about character choice in a non-professional setting, then yeah I’d avoid them like the plague too.

It’s straight outta the Donald Trump school of deflection! Obama wiretapped trump tower! Oh, err... I didn’t mean wiretapped *literally*. Oh wait they found “evidence”! Y-yeah I did! Oh but wait, the FBI and NSA denies— well, yeah I meant incidental surveillance collected legally! That’s what I meant all along! SEE!?

To be fair, nothing is getting “thrown out”. These videos are still freely available for the public to view them. They are not being deleted by Youtube. They simply don’t run ads in front of them (good for the viewer!) So i find the calls of “censorship” to be patently false. People are conflating this as a freedom of

Oh yeah it was definitely a joke, elbow, wink wink if you’re the type of guy who hates feminism. To everybody else it was a straight up troll. And you know the dude knew it too! Come on, he’s not stupid. It was a troll, he knew it, and he was baiting for the exact response he got. So, as far as he’s concerned, this

Lol, no. Trump won because Hilary was a terrible candidate. That’s it.

Why are youtube game reviewers and game sites always punished for not disclosing the fact that they were given their games to review for free? Why is it that gamers become suspicious when reviewers give good reviews to things they got for free? Why is it that some reviewers often make a point to say that they paid for

That’s fine, bias or not, i would say that your opinion is still more valid than someone who got it for free, didn’t think about spending money, and didn’t give a shit one way or another. It may be a tenuous connection you have, but you still have more connection than a free-rider who just wants to troll the scores

What?? The reasons for Uber’s unsustainable business model were clearly, logically, and convincingly laid out in the article!! What’s this bullshit about begging the question?? And the evidence was not just an opinion given by the writer of the article, he cited people who’s analysis goes much further in-depth than

This Dubby internet tough guy wouldn’t have the balls to say those things to an actual real life NFL player. But i would love to see that!

You moron, that’s got nothing to do with free speech. That’s just fucking CAPITALISM.

Still don’t understand what free speech is, do ya?