Dirty Rotten Imbecile

This is going to be hardest on Bristol, Track, Twig, Smock, Groot, Krunk, Willow, Slider, Stub, Twiddle, Piper, Fluff, Carat, Keg, Snuggle, Bop, Rice and Spoit.

Sometimes these things just happen, entirely naturally...

Tesla claims its drive train has “fewer than 20" moving parts.”  Hell, my 2000 Durango often had ZERO moving parts.

I do believe that Terry Reardon has a point that perhaps we would all be better off if we cleaned up the language on this site to make it more reader friendly for the non-bible thumping crowd who moved from Boston to Thailand, maybe because they kinda just let you fuck kids there. Excuse me. “fornicate the children”

Roxanne! You don’t have to put on that red hat.

Who/what in the hell are you talking about? 

That’s his military dress uniform for the war on Christmas.

He had heard Mexico was teeming with murderers, rapists, and some good people.

To co-opt a Bette Davis quote: “Mother always said to speak good of the dead. David Koch is dead. Good.”

I consider Season 10 to be the breaking point. Although E1 of that season was the epic grease heist episode. And the Japan one a couple of seasons later is another ATG.

“They forget you've gotta win," said the Cleveland Browns quarterback.

Really, the only thing more on-brand would be for him to get signed by the Jets.

Confederate statues - “We need them! We need them as...uh...a constant reminder that slavery is bad! So we can learn from history or something!”

I’d prefer a where are they now segment on the boxers from Punch-Out.

I’m thrilled that they’re in a spiral, but the damage they’ve caused and the infrastructure they’ve set up won’t be harmed for a decade or more. The fear of even a potentially impotent NRA is so great, that most politicians are still afraid to propose any meaningful gun reform laws, lest they get a bad grade from the

I can’t imagine how anybody takes any of these Trumpsters seriously when they claim they are going to get to stuff later. They have become entrained, and even dependent upon, Stephen Miller and Sean Hannity spinning the news cycle so furiously that they never have to endure any follow-up by anyone on the stuff they

I have too much respect for him to get into that. He’s a good man. Let’s not forget that he is a father, a husband, a grandfather, a buffoon, a grifter, a racist, a thief, a fraud, an enlarged pee-splattered sno cone, a bewildered golden-helmeted astronaut who’s just landed on this planet from a distant planet, a

Let’s Remember Some Movies: 1998

Man 1998?! For reference, that was a time when the President could get impeached for a blowjob. WILD!

Curious to see how the white man with the white supremacy manifesto killing people is used to make Ilhan Omar look racist.